人教版英语Book 4 Unit 3 words and expressions.ppt

人教版英语Book 4 Unit 3 words and expressions.ppt

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人教版英语Book 4 Unit 3 words and expressions

I will entertain my friends 1) Tomorrow ___ ____ ________ ___ ________ to dinner. 明天我要请朋友吃饭 2) She entertained ____ _____ _____ humorous stories. 她给我们讲了很多幽默故事是我们很开心。 * humour sense of humour 幽默感 humourous adj. comedy 反义词: tragedy 悲剧 2. up to now Have you seen any film (which is) directed by Feng Xiaogang recently? I haven’t seen snowing up to now. Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years. 3.content feel / be content with sth. /sb. 对…某人/某事感到满意 feel content to do sth. 愿意做某事 content sb. with sth. 使某人对…感到满意 content and form 内容和形式 4. astonish astonish sb. with sth. 使某人对某物感到震惊 be astonished at/by sth. 因某事而吃惊 be astonished to do sth. 因干某事而吃 be astonished that从句 对…感到吃惊 much to one’s astonishment 令人惊讶的是… fortunate adj. 幸运的 be fortunate in doing sth. She was very fortunate in having a good husband. unfortunate adj. 不幸的 fortune n. 财富,命运 seek one’s fortune 碰运气 tell one’s fortune 算命 make one’s fortune 发财致富 fortunately adv. unfortunately adv. 6.be badly off 贫穷的 be well off 富裕的,处境好的 be worse off 更坏,恶化 be better off 境况较好些 7. ordinary 平庸无奇 common 随处可见,普遍 extraordinary 非比寻常 8. entertain vt.vi. 使快乐,款待 entertain sb. with sth. 用…使某人快乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用…招待/款待某人 entertaining adj. 引人发笑的,有趣的,娱乐的 entertainment n. 招待,款待,娱乐 give an entertainment to sb. 招待某人 us with many 9.throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿 adv. 到处,始终 10. failure 反义词: success Failure is the mother of success. Mr. Tom is a success as a teacher. But as a businessman, he is a big failure. 汤姆先生是一位成功的老师,但作为商人,他是一个失败者。 抽象名词具体化 11. overcome vt. 克服 (overcame, overcome) ~ difficulties / a bad habit 克服困难/ 恶习 be ~ by sth. 被某物击垮/ 弄晕 be ~ with emotion/excitement/horror/grief 因情感/兴奋/恐怖/悲伤而不能自持 12.pick out 挑选,认出 13. cut off 切掉


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