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Unit 3 Believe it or not ——the mysterious world;;;The mysterious crop;the map of China;money;the Strange scenery; For these mysteriou things, people always feel curious, then confused. In fact, If the unknown known, we need not confused, If the unknown is not know, what is the meaning of confusion!;I know;A:I heard Malaysia Airlines shortly before the crash 听说马航在不久前坠机了 B:Yes,many people died! But the cause of the accident is still under investigation 是的,还死了不少人呢!但出事原因还在调查中! A:Right! 恩 C:I know.Last night I watched the sky, Must know the matter is unusual. 我知道,昨晚我夜观天象,必知此事非比寻常 D:Oh, yes. I saw the alien to your home yesterday, Probably told you the truth. 嗯,是的,昨晚外星人去你家告知你真相时我都看到了 B:He lived next door an alien, Professor Dou! 哦!原来都教授就住在你隔壁啊! ;A:Well, dont say that, College students should be practical 好了,别说那些了,大学生应该实际点。 B,C,D: YES, YES 对的,对的 C:Then from the beginning ,One day, the Malaysia Airlines disappeared in the sky 那从头开始,某日,马航神秘的消失在了航线中 B:But that day is sunny, and cloudless 据说那日阳光明媚,万里无云 D:Clear day? It seems difficult to cause the crash. is it... This is impossible 晴空万里?似乎很难导致飞机失事的事吧,难道是...这不可能... A:What are you thinking about,I heard, it seems like a relevant hijacking 你们又想到哪里去了,听说似乎与劫机有关;C:Hijacking?In accordance with the normal means of hijacking, it is impossible to happen now! 劫机?可按照正常的劫机手段,也不可能会发生这样的事吧! D:I understand that the human is not necessarily the person doing the hijacking ! Hey! Hey! Hey! 我明白了,劫机的不一定就是地球人吧!!!嘿.嘿.嘿. A:Regardless of this, Sooner or later the truth coming to light, Like the dead rest in peace, living strong. 管他呢!真相迟早会大白,愿逝者安息,生者坚强!;; What we need is to deal with these mysteriou things attitude, rather than to the unknown. Remember believe it or not !!;Thanks for watching


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