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哑舍 Dumb house 无意闯入的年轻医生,他与哑舍的相遇,是意外的巧合,还是注定的命运?来历成谜的古怪老板,他淡薄的笑容后,是在等待谁推开哑舍的门?哑舍里的古物,每一件都有着自己的故事,承载了许多年,无人倾听。因为,它们都不会说话…… Inadvertent intrusion into a young doctor, he met with dumb grouding is accidental, is doomed to the fate of? Origin is a mystery of the odd boss, his thin smile, is in waiting who opened dumb shed door? Dumb cottage antiques, everything have their own stories, carrying a lot of years, no one is listening. Because they dont talk at all. 热闹与喧嚣的摩登城市,历史在这里无声沉积。那些神话传说中亦真亦假的奇珍异宝,曾一度遗落在历史的长河里。然而,此刻,它们就在这里——名为“哑舍”的古董店。 Lively and noisy modern city, history here silent deposition. The myths and legends of Yizhenyijia treasures, once lost in the long river of history. However, at the moment, they here, known as dumb homes antique shop. 目录 catalog 1.楔子 wedge 2.哑舍·古镜 mute and Ancient Mirror 3.哑舍·香妃链 homes - chain was dumb 4.哑舍·人鱼烛 homes - dumb Mermaid candle 5.哑舍·黄粱枕 homes, dumb Huang Liang pillow 6.哑舍·越王剑 homes - dumb Yue sword 7.哑舍·山海经 dumb homes - The Classic of the Great Wilderness 8.哑舍·水苍玉 mute house and water 9.哑舍·巫蛊偶 homes, even in dumb 10.哑舍·虞美人 dumb - poppy homes 11.哑舍·白蛇伞 homes, dumb White Snake umbrella 12.哑舍·长命锁 homes - mute lock 13.哑舍·赤龙服 homes, red dragon suit dumb 14.哑舍外传·四季图 dumb house outside the four seasons 15.哑舍外传·锟铻刀 homes outside the Yu Kun knife - dumb 长命锁,传曰能替婴孩辟灾去邪,“锁”住生命。是以甫出生之婴孩佩长命锁至十二岁方止,乃华夏习俗。 有夫妻二人,恩爱非常。一日,夫因意外而逝,妻悲痛欲绝,腹中遗子早产。此子体虚气若,恐不出月余便随其父而去。 妻辗转求一先生相见,那先生问曰:“汝愿此子活命,不计代价否?宁用汝命换之否?” 妻点头。 先生曰:“吾有一长命锁,可假汝所剩寿元十二年,为此子换性命十二年,锁至其十二岁时,锁断,人亡。‘长命锁’,实乃‘偿命锁’。” 妻续求之,誓曰若其子能续命长大,其愿坠入无间地狱,受煎熬之苦。 先生沉吟半晌,终应允。言曰此长命锁至多可锁住此子二十四寿元,二十四年后,当亲往,取回长命锁。 妻含笑而逝。 二十四年后。 Not to premature baby longevity lock Chuan Yue for provision of disaster lustral, lock live life. Is the Fu was born baby wear longevity lock to twelve years old, but the Chinese customs. Husband and wife two people, conjugal love very much. One day, the husband accidentally and dies, his wife grief, the unborn son. The deficiency and Qi if, without fear of moonrise, Yu with


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