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嘉 应 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) (二零一四届) 题 目:微电影创作研究——以《爱·需要》为例 姓 名: 李小云 学 号: 101160012 院 别: 教育科学学院 专 业: 教育技术学(师范) 指导老师: 申请学位: 理学学士 嘉 应 学 院 教 务 处 A Thesis Submitted to Jiaying University for Degree of Bachelor of Science The Documentary Creation and Research of “Love is all your need” Candidate: Li Xiaoyun Supervisor: Huang Zhiqiang May 2014 School of Education Jiaying University Meizhou,Guangdong,P.R.China,514015 摘 要 近年来,从微小说、微博到网络视频短片演变而来的“微电影”收到普遍追捧,文学、戏剧和影视文化在融合与创新中“微风”扑面。百余字的故事并不妨碍一篇微小说完成人物塑造与情节描写;几分钟的时长同样可以演绎出一部故事完整、情节紧凑的微电影。《人性黑洞》、《老男孩》、《一触即发》、《四夜奇谭》等一大批优秀作品热播一时,受众对微电影的接受度明显提高。与网络电影不同的是,微电影注重的创新主要聚焦于表达的创意性,而作者创作的该部微电影则从完全颠覆的角度去探讨一直存在于人类社会发展的历史之中、并在此过程中饱受歧视压迫和不理解的同性恋现象,期望以该片独特的视角引发人们在不同角度下进行对同性恋情感问题的思考。 本论文在撰写与制作过程中,以传播学、影视艺术学、观众心理学等相关理论为指导,借鉴国内外相关作品的成功要素。通过真实的画面展示、语言描述、音乐渲染,使受众多种感官同时参与,使观众在观影过程中受到感触和启发。该论文是基于笔者的摄制过程而撰写,具有一定的原创性和真实性,并为自身的实践体验上升到理论层次提供了前提和可能。 【关键词】微电影,同性恋,思考,独特视角 Abstract In recent years, from the micro novel, micro-blog to network video evolved from the micro film received generally pursued, literature, drama and the visual culture in the integration and innovation of wind blow on the face.A story in one hundred words does not preclude a micro novel finish shaping and plot and character description; a few minute can also deduce the complete story, a compact micro film.A large number of excellent works popular temporarily like Black Hole, Old Boyand so on, the audience on the micro film acceptance obviously. Which unlike network movie is, micro film innovation focuses attention on creative expression. And the creation of the film is to explore from the perspective of complete subversion of The homosexuality phenomenon. Which always exists in the history of human society development, and In this process, is suffering from discrimination oppression and misunderstanding. I hope the fil


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