新目标8a 短语连连看 1-5单元.ppt

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新目标8a 短语连连看 1-5单元

U1 巨头 U2 U3 U4 U5 Unit 1 看不到下面任何的东西 couldnt see anything below 决定靠自己做这个工作 decide to do the work by myself 不喜欢你做的食物 dislike the food you cook 做点有趣的事情 do something interesting 在饭店吃一碗米饭和一些鱼 eat a bowl of rice and some fish at a resturant 喂一些小鸡和小猪 feed some chickens and baby pigs 感到真的很疲劳/很棒 feel really tired/great 发觉旅行非常的愉快/糟糕 find the trip enjoyable /terrible 忘记了过去的五个小时 forget about the last five hours 忘记了向我借过钱 forget borrowing money from me 忘记了带伞 forget to bring an umbrella 登上了山顶 get to the top of the hill 和我的最好的朋友外出 go out with my best friend 在炎热晴朗的早晨去玩滑翔伞 go paragliding on a hot and sunny morning 去夏令营 go to summer camp 去海滩 go to the beach 去爬山 go to the mountains 和我喜欢的某人走 go with someone I like 激动地上蹿下跳 jump up and down in excitment 记日记 keep a diary 一直走不停下 keep going 学到重要的东西 learn something important 看地图 look at the map 产生很大的不同 make a big difference 遇到有趣的人 meet someone interesting 阅读和放松 read and relax 骑自行车去乔治城 ride bicycle to Georgetown 看到黄果树大瀑布 see Huangguoshu Waterfall 买些我喜欢的衣服 buy some clothes I like 看上去无聊 seem to be bored 听起来真的不错 sound really great 开始下小雨/下大雨 start raining a little /really hard 呆在家里准备考试 stay at home and study for tests 带上一袋子食物和水 take a bag with food and water 在多雨的恶劣天气里感到寒冷和潮湿 feel wet and cold in a bad and rainy weather 乘火车 take a train 拍相当多的照片 take quite a few photos 尝起来很美味 taste great 第一次尝试滑翔伞 try paragliding for the first time 尽力通过考试 try to pass a exam 拜访我在乡村的叔叔 visit my uncle in the countryside 拜访了我 家族里的亲人 visit someone in my family 等火车 wait for a train 在镇子上四处走走 walk around the town 步行上山 walk up to the top unit 2 Review(复习 ) 一天一次 一周两次 每月三次 一年一度 几乎不 有时候 常常 通常 总是 Review(复习 ) 曾经... 几乎不(单词) 几乎没有...过 比之前更热的 史上最棒的老师 像往常一样 Review(复习 ) 你多久锻炼一次? How often do you exercise? 她多久锻炼一次? How often does she exercise ? 你周末通常都做什么事情? What do you usually do on weekends ? Review(复习 ) 信息 网上的信息 关于某事的信息 帮做家务 用网络 摇摆舞 至少 保健 做...的好办法 review 为什么? 想要某人做某事 处于好的(差的)健康状况 由于某事的结果


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