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P2P行业的风险及其防范 摘要 近几年,互联网金融的创新之举层出不穷,而 P2P网络借贷平台是目前受到热议最多的互联网金融创新工具。这种个人与个人的借贷模式,借助互联网技术,使得借贷双方直接进行借贷交易,缓解了小微企业融资困难的局面,并且以高于银行同期利率水平的收益率而日益受到大众青睐,成为人们日常生活中又一种理财工具,被称为“草根金融”。然而,任何新兴事物都有其不完善之处。近来,P2P平台在迎来兴建热潮的同时,却又面临倒闭潮来袭,各种自融平台、拆标和秒标出现,同时许多投资者竭力追求高收益结果却是血本无归,这种金融创新的风险逐渐显现。本文对中国的P2P网络借贷平台发展的总体情况进行了阐述,深入分析了该行业存在的风险,总结其中问题存在的原因,并据此提出相关可行的措施以求降低P2P行业的风险。 关键词:P2P 经营风险 信用风险 风险防范 Abstract In recent years, the Internet financial innovations emerging, while P2P network lending platform is currently subject to a maximum of Internet buzz financial innovations. This personal and individual lending model, using Internet technology, making both lenders and borrowers directly lending transactions, financing small and micro enterprises to ease the difficult situation, and bank interest rates higher than the same period the yield increasingly favored by the general public, as people everyday life yet another financial instrument, called grassroots finance. However, any new thing has its imperfections. Recently, P2P platform to usher in the construction boom, and yet faced closures struck, various self-financing platforms, demolition of the standard, and seconds mark appears, while many investors trying to pursue high-yield result is down the drain, such financial risks of innovation gradually. In this paper, the overall situation of Chinas P2P lending platform network development are described, in-depth analysis of the risks that exist in the industry, summed up the reasons for which the problem exists, and accordingly put forward relevant and feasible measures in order to reduce the risk of P2P industry. Key words: P2P, Operational risk, Credit risks, Risk prevention 目录 一、研究背景及目的 3 二、P2P行业的概况 3 (一)P2P的概念 3 (二)P2P的运作模式 3 (三)我国P2P行业的发展历程 3 (四)P2P行业现状 3 三、P2P行业的风险分析 3 (一)经营风险 3 (二)信用风险 3 (三)法律道德风险 3 (四)其他风险 3 四、我国P2P行业风险防范措施 3 (一)从P2P行业自身来说: 3 (二)从外部监管角度来说 3 参考文献 3 致谢 3 P2P行业的风险及其防范 一、研究背景及目的 在当下,随着金融改革的深入,互联网金融俨然成为了目前的热门话题。从当前市场情形看,互联网金融基本可以划分成四种类型:第一种类型是与银行的支付结算系统密切联系的第三方支付,如支付宝等


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