
核桃破壳机文献综述参考资料 .doc

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新疆农业大学 专业文献综述 题 目: 核桃破壳机文献综述 姓 名: 丁文艺 学 院: 机械交通学院 专 业: 农业机械化及其自动化082 班 级: 机化082 学 号: 083732241 成 绩: 指导教师: 郭俊先 职称: 2012年2月22号 目 录 1 机械破壳的意义 2 2核桃的分类 3 2.1.1 类群 3 核桃类群 3 铁核桃类群 3 2.1.2 品种群 4 品种 4 3 桃破壳取仁机的机型研制 5 3. 1 陕西核桃剥壳机采用定向对刀挤切原理剥壳取仁 5 3. 2 山西核桃剥壳机采用挤搓原理剥壳取仁 6 3. 3 北京农业机械学院、襄樊农机化研究所研制的核桃剥壳机 6 3. 4 新疆农业大学史建新老师的6HP一150型核桃破壳机的设计 7 3.4.1 6HP一150型核桃破壳机的特点 8 3. 5新疆农业大学史建新老师的多辊挤压式核桃破壳机结构及原理 9 3.51 结构特点 9 3.52工作原理 9 4 结论 10 参考文献 11 核桃破壳机文献综述 作者:丁文艺 指导老师:郭俊先 【摘要关键词Machine for breaking walnut shell review Author:Ding Wenyi Turor:guo Junxian 【Title】The walnut has high in nutrients, both at home and abroad and has a broad market space, people demand is very big still. Walnut varieties is not single, but there are several varieties. By artificial rupture of shell is very difficult to achieve the desired requirements, which need to use machinery to achieve, with mechanical method can be divided into two kinds of walnut. Then the overall structure of research of walnut, walnut stress analysis, and developed for different varieties of walnut shell breaking machine. In order to maximize the overall efficiency of breaking walnut shell. In the main on the domestic development of large machine for breaking walnut shell of each principle, characteristics, disadvantages, summary. After the walnut stress analysis, structure analysis, environmental analysis. Summarize the walnut characteristics, design for a machine for breaking walnut shell. Key words: Varieties;Walnut structure;Principle 核桃是世界著名四大干果之一(还有扁桃、腰果、榛子)它是胡桃属落叶乔木,在中国栽培有2000年以上的历史。据市场预测,核桃富含脂肪(70%以上)及蛋白质(20%),是高热能营养食物,又是无胆固醇的绿色保健食品,有着广阔的国内外市场,历来被称为“木本油料”、“铁杆庄稼”,是中国开发山区林业生产的重要经


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