
在体检人群中发现症候性疲劳患者的方法与意义参考资料 .doc

在体检人群中发现症候性疲劳患者的方法与意义参考资料 .doc

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在体检人群中发现症候性疲劳患者的方法与意义 【摘要】目的 早期发现疲劳类型中对人类健康危害最大的疲劳类型:症候性疲劳。方法 本组随机选取200名健康体检者,采用常规体检、疲劳问卷调查、疲劳类型鉴别中医四诊的检查。结果 在随机选取平均年龄40.52岁的1000名人群中发现程度不同的症候疲劳患者565例,占总受检人数56.5%,占有疲劳症候人群总数的67%,中医四诊检查在症候性疲劳患者中有形体疲劳表现者213例占38.16%,面色变化者463例占82.1%,有单一和综合舌象病理变化者为100%,出现病理脉象者为100%。结论 揭示出症状性疲劳发生率,引发人们注意在体检人群中注意发现症候性疲劳患者,早期进行防治以减少过劳死的发生。 【关键词】疲劳 症候性疲劳 健康体检 四诊检查 中图分类号:r194.3 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-0515(2012)1-007-02 methord and meaning of discoverying of the symptom fatigue for health check-up jiang yutong1 li naimin2 liu shan2 wang chunyan1 gong yuanxin2 (1、general logistics department equipment institute in beijing ,beijing 100010;2、 people’s liberation army no. 211 hospital,harbin,150080) 【abstract】objective in the early research the symptom fatigue tired is the most harmful to the people healthy. method to select 200 body of healthy check-up randomly , normal regulations check-up, fatigue questionnaire, fatigue type discrimination using tradition chinese medicine diagnose. results by randomly selecting 1000 people for examination that average age is 40.52-year-old we find about 565 sufferers with the symptom fatigue, which the percentage is 56.5% in all people and the percentage is 67% in all people with symptom fatigue. using four diagnose of chinese medicine we find 213 people body fatigue with in people with symptom tired that the percentage is 38.16% and the variety of complexion is about 463 which occupy 82.1%. the percentage of the variety of single and comprehensive tongue is 100% and the percentage of pathologic pulse presentation is 100%. conclusion revealing the incidence rate of the symptom fatigue and calling the attention of discovering sufferers with symptom fatigue in people for examination which could provide early treatment and reduce the occurrence of karoshi. 【keywords】the fatigue the symptom fatigue the healthy check-up four methods of examination check 近几年来,由于我们对疲劳病证在人体健康风险评估中的意义认识不断加深,在对社会人群实施健康体检过程,我们随机选取一批人群,进行疲劳症候的问诊,使健康体检未病和已病检出率明显增加,提高了健康体检质量,现总结报告如下: 1 一般资料 在为机关


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