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加拿大是一个联邦政府国家、最早的加拿大只是英国在北美的一个殖民地、但其在1867年成立、成立之初只有四个省、而现在的加拿大有十个省、三个自治区、加拿大在北半球、西半球、在美国之上、部分地区靠近北极圈、气温较冷、首都是渥太华(Ottawa)、另有城市多伦多(Toronto)、温哥华(Vancouver)比较出名、温哥华也是世界上最适合人居住的十大城市之一、温度适宜、风景优美、加拿大最好的大学应该是多伦多大学和麦吉尔大学、 meanings of the Canadian flag As we all know ,Canada is famous for maple. Canada is also called maple countries. Maple tree is not only the country tree of Canada, but the symbol of the Canadian nation. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Michigan What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin Ottawa It’s the capital of Canada, its also the fourth largest city of Canada. The most famous building is Canadas Parliament buildings(加拿大议会大厦) 1What is the Canadian leader called? President Prime Minister Governor King Canada’s food As some historical reason ,Canada have the same food as America and England. But as the cold weather ,they prefer baked food, this is their special food Staple food(主食):rice and pasta(面). Non-staple (副食)food: beef ,eggs ,tomatoes ,potatoes ,melons and so on. Canada’s special festivals Canada tulip festival(加拿大郁金香节) Klondike Days(克伦代节又名淘金节) Calgary Exhibition and Stampede(卡加利牛仔竞技大赛) Calgary Exhibition and Stampede * Unit 5 Canada --- “ The True North” How much do you know about Canada? Canadas geographical location North :Arctic ocean South: United states West: Atlantic ocean East: north Atlantic ocean The climate It’s true that most of Canada lies very far north. large areas of the country are arctic tundra(冻原,苔原),full of dangerous animals and freezing temperature. Which is the national flag of Canada? A. B. C. Q D. The white area means the large area of Canada. as large area of Canada is covered with snow for years, so its white. The maple means the Canadians As Canadas w


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