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低速工程车辆传动系统分动箱的设计 摘 要 发动机是车辆的动力源,变速器把发动机的高输出转速降下来,以满足车辆的行驶需要。然而知道分动箱的人并不多,但是它在工程车辆上有着重要的应用。它把从变速器输出来的动力分配到各驱动桥来满足车辆的动力分配需要。 这项设计按照设计说明书的要求,采用必威体育精装版的参考资料来确保设计的先进性和科学性。本设计主要对分动箱的工作情况进行了概述,对传动装置的运动和动力参数进行了选择和计算,对齿轮进行了强度的校核及结构的设计,对轴进行了设计与校核,对轴承寿命进行了验算。在轴的强度校核部分,运用材料力学和理论力学的知识,应用目前流行的数学工具软件MATLAB,对轴的弯曲强度进行了精确的校核,以最节省的材料和成本满足了强度要求。本设计的结果达到了设计出一种结构简单,工作可靠,易于维修和保养且价格低廉的分动箱,技术水平达到了国内同类机型的水平。 关键词:分动箱,绞盘,花键轴, 驱动桥,齿轮轴,MATLAB DESGIN OF TANSFER CASE IN THE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OF LOW-SPEED ENGINEER VEHICLE ABSTRACT The engine is the power source for vehicles, the transmission transmate the high output engine speed down to meet the needs of the vehicle. However,people who knew about the transfer case are not so many, but it has an important application on the project vehicles. Its output is from the transmission and the power is assigned to the drive axle vehicles to meet the needs of the force’s distribution. This design’s specification is in accordance with the design requirements and uses the latest reference materials to ensure that the design is advanced and scientific. The work is carried out by an overview of the movement of the gear , the driving force for the selection of parameters and calculation, the gear check and structural strength of the design, the axis design and verification and the check of the bearing life. It uses the knowledge of material mechanics and theoretical mechanics, and apply the mathematical tools which is popular software MATLAB,to check the strength of the axis .And then the bending strength of the shaft for a precise check to make the leastest of the material and cost savings to meet the strength requirements. The results of this design is to achieve a transfer case which has a simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance and low cost of maintenance. This technical level has achieved the similar type level in the domestic. KEY WORDS: transfer case, winch, spline shaft, drive axle, gear shaft, MATLAB 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 分动箱的工作情况概述 3


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