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2 3 Virginia Woolf The Waves 海浪 弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫 (英) 著 赵金基 译 外语教学与研究出版社 FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS 北京 Beijing 4 Chinese translation copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 本书版权由外语教学与研究出版社独家所有。如未获得该社书面同意, 书中任何部分之文字及图片,不得用任何方式抄袭、节录、翻印或存储 利用于任何数据库及检索系统等。 Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu Beijing, China 100089 5 目 录 The Waves 海浪 6 The Waves 海浪 The sun had not yet risen. The sea was indistinguishable from the sky, except that the sea was slightly creased as if a cloth had wrinkles in it. Gradually as the sky whitened a dark line lay on the horizon dividing the sea from the sky and the grey cloth became barred with thick strokes moving, one after another, beneath the surface, following each other, pursuing each other, perpetually. 太阳尚未升起。大海与天空难以分辨,只是海面上微微泛着波澜, 仿佛是一块布凸起了褶皱。渐渐地,随着天空发白,天边呈现出一道幽 暗的线条,把海与天分开了,那块灰布的下面掀起厚重的波纹,一条接 着一条,彼此跟随,互相追逐,不断前进。 As they neared the shore each bar rose, heaped itself, broke and swept a thin veil of white water across the sand. The wave paused, and then drew out again, sighing like a sleeper whose breath comes and goes unconsciously. Gradually the dark bar on the horizon became clear as if the sediment in an old wine-bottle


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