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说 明 PREFACE LF168F 通用汽油机是重庆力帆重柴动力有限公司采用国内外先进技术自行研制开发的单缸、倾斜式、四冲程、 强制风冷汽油机。该机具有设计先进、结构紧凑、性能可靠、维修方便、使用经济、调速方便等特点,其配套用途 广泛,是发电、旅游、野外作业、娱乐场所、建筑机械、农业机械、林业机械等领域的理想配套动力。 《50ZB26-4Q 力帆汽油水泵机组零部件图册》是我公司为了方便用户精心编制而成,该图册涵盖了零部件的 基本情况,如:简图、名称、数量等,用户订购零件时请参考本册,若与实机不同之处,以实机为准。 《50ZB26-4Q 力帆汽油水泵机组零部件图册》的所有版权属于重庆力帆重柴动力有限公司,任何团体和个人 不得非法翻印或复制。如有更改,恕不另行通知。 Combine with all the specialty and advantages of the same models at home and abroad, LF168F, being of 4-stroke, single cylinder with force air-cooled type, is one of the newly gasoline engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by advanced design, compact struction, reliable performance, convenient service, low fuel consumption and easy regulation. The engine is widely used as ideal power in many fields such as generating set, tour, open working, public place of enterainment, construction machine, agricultural machinery, etc. For the sake of customer’s convenience, we carefully compile the PART CATALOGUE FOR LIFAN GASOLINE WATER PUMP SET, which covers the main informations of parts, such as illustrations, names, quantities, etc. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from the actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Chongqing Lifan Chongchai Engines Co., Ltd. Any group or individual is forbidden to reprint or copy any item from it. The cotalogue is subject to change without notice. 重庆力帆重柴动力有限公司 Chongqing Lifan Chongchai Engines Co., Ltd. 二零零五年12 月第一版(Dec, 2005 First Edition)


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