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Sidgwick, Henry Singer, Marcus G. (Editor) , Professor Emeritus of Philosophy , University of Wisconsin, Madison Essays on Ethics and Method Print ISBN 0198250231, 2000 Contents ? ? Preface ix ? Abbreviations xiii ? Introduction: The Philosophy of Henry Sidgwick xiv ? A Note on the Contents xxxix ? A Note on Grote xlv PART I. ? ETHICS 1. ? Utilitarianism (1873) 3 2. ? The Theory of Evolution in its Application to Practice (1876) 10 3. ? Professor Calderwood on Intuitionism in Morals (1876) 23 4. ? Mr. Barratt on The Suppression of Egoism (1877) 27 5. ? The Establishment of Ethical First Principles (1879) 29 6. ? Some Fundamental Ethical Controversies (1889) 35 7. ? Law and Morality (1891) 47 8. ? The Distinction between Is and Ought (1892) 59 9. ? The Relation of Ethics to Sociology (1899) 63 PART II. ? VALUE THEORY AND MORAL PSYCHOLOGY 10. ? Pleasure and Desire (1872) 79 11. ? Hedonism and Ultimate Good (1877) 89 12. ? The Feeling-Tone of Desire and Aversion (1892) 99 13. ? Unreasonable Action (1893) 107 PART III. ? METHOD: TRUTH, EVIDENCE, AND BELIEF 14. ? Verification of Beliefs (1871) 121 15. ? Incoherence of Empirical Philosophy (1882) 129 16. ? The Philosophy of Common Sense (1895) 139 17. ? Criteria of Truth and Error (1900) 151 18. ? Further on the Criteria of Truth and Error (1900) 166 PART IV. ? COMMENTS AND CRITIQUES 19. ? Grote on Utilitarianism I (1871) 173 20. ? Grote on Utilitarianism II (1871) 176 end p.vii 21. ? Fitzjames Stephen on Mill on Liberty (1873) 181 22. ? Bradleys Ethical Studies (1876) 185 23. ? Sidgwick vs. Bradley (1877) 190 24. ? Bentham and Benthamism in Politics and Ethics (1877) 195 25. ? Mr. Spencers Ethical System (1880) 219 26. ? Leslie Stephens Science of Ethics (1882) 228 27. ? Greens Ethics (1884) 243 28. ? Fowlers Progressive Morality (1885) 259 29. ? Idiopsychological Ethics (1887) 264 30. ? Spencer on Justice (1892) 276 ? Notes on Sources 287 ? Bibliography and Bibliogr


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