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湖北英语高考完成句子【一】 1. To her great pleasure, it will be less than one year      Peking University. (graduate) ? 令她很高兴的是, 再过不到一年, 她的儿子就要从北大毕业了。 2.      in his career, he will never forget that he comes from the countryside. (achieve) ? 不管他在事业上取得多么大的成功, 他都不会忘记自己来自农村。 3. All of a sudden, the door opened      our English teacher, with a book in her hand. (come) ? 突然门开了, 我们的英语老师手里拿着一本书走了进来。 4. If you are unhappy with anything you have bought from us, we will gladly exchange your purchase, or give your money back,       . (prefer) ? 若您对从我们这里买的任何商品不满意, 我们将乐意为您更换或退款, 您愿意哪种都行。 5. Unless properly      right away, this kind of disease will spread throughout the country very soon. (deal) ? 如果这种疾病不及时合理地处理掉, 它会很快蔓延全国。 6.The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was two decades      . (get) ? 那场战争使这个家庭流落到世界各地, 二十年后他们才相聚。 7.Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it,       . (whichever) ? 犹太人只要愿意, 均可自动加入以色列国籍, 不管他们说何种语言。 8. As a policeman I find      , drugs are always behind it. (violence) ? 作为一名警察, 我发现, 哪里有暴力, 其背后总是有毒品。 9. You must remind him of the deadline for applications,       . (forget) ? 你一定要提醒他申请的截止日期, 以免他忘记。 10.       , I’m giving a party tomorrow. (whether) ? 不管下不下雨, 明天我都要举行聚会。 11. Knowing      reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do) ? 知道你正在干什么, 能降低失败的风险, 这就像给自己的能力买了份保险。 12. Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two      me greatly. (influence) ? 上学时我遇到过很多老师, 其中两位对我影响很大。 13. Things aren’t always      . (appear) ? 事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。 14.      (令球迷欣喜的) was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament. (delight) ? 15.       (他突然想到) that he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (occur) ? 16. In 1991 Ranulph Fiennes published“The Feather Men”, the non-fiction book      . (base) ? 这部影片是以1991年兰奴夫·费因斯发表的纪实文学《羽人》为基础而改编的。 17. Back to 1942 directed by Feng Xiaogang tells a true story in 1942,       in the War of Resistance against J


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