
cropcircle麦田圈 最全的麦田圈介绍 英文.ppt

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cropcircle麦田圈 最全的麦田圈介绍 英文

A Mystery in The Fields What do those Shapes and Circles Mean? Introduction In this presentation, by looking at the available evidence, we will attempt to gain a better understanding of the “Crop Circle” phenomenon. We look at The History of Crop Circles Evidence for Man/Woman Made Crop Circles Evidence for Crop Circles being made by weather or other Atmospheric Phenomena Evidence for Crop Circles made by Extra Terrestrials or other forms of Higher Consciousness Possible meanings of the Crop Circles Crop Circle Messages A History of Crop Circles A History of Crop Circles - 1 One of the earliest descriptions of crop circles is some drawings of two U.K. crop formations described in 1686 by Prof. Robert Plot. Plot examined multiple such formations and states that the soils under all of them were much looser and dryer than ordinary, and the parts interspersed with a white hoar... much like that in mouldy bread, of a musty rancid smell, but to the tast[e] insipid. This is from -- A Natural History of Staffordshire (1686) Some references I read cast doubt on the validity of this story, however. A History of Crop Circles - 2 This crop circle, from the same era (17th Century), also from the A Natural History of Staffordshire occurred in St. Giles fields at University College. The cloud and trumpet-like diagram (upper left) illustrates Plots hypothesis that crop circles must needs be the effects of Lightning, exploded from the Clouds ... in this case, the clouds breaking first in a quadrangular, and after in a wider circular forme. A History of Crop Circles - 3 A later story comes from 1678. The pamphlet tells of a farmer who, refusing to pay the price demanded by a labourer to mow his field, swore that he would rather that the Devil mowed it instead. According to the pamphlet, that night his field appeared to be in flame. The next morning, the field was found to be perfectly mowed - supernaturally perfect, in fact. A History of Crop Circles - 4 In July, 1880 the


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