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Love the way you lie crossover sensation (轰动人物) debut single (首支单曲) “My name is” alliteration (头韵) assonance (谐音) Marshall Mathers LP LP:黑胶唱片 homosexual (同性恋) homophobic (歧视同性恋的) misogynistic (厌恶女人的) Cleaning out my cloest Now I would never diss my own mama现在我绝对不会再通过侮辱我自己的妈妈 Just to get recognition来获取认识 Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissin花上一点点时间来聆听这张你认为是充满无理辱骂的唱片 But put yourself in my position just try to invision但是你站在我的位置来,试着想象一下 witnessin yo mama poppin prescription pills in da kitchen亲眼目击你自己的妈妈在厨房里吞服摇头丸 Bitchin that someones always goin through her purse when shits missin总是在自己弄丢钱之后抱怨有人(指我)偷了她的钱包 Goin through public housing system’s victim of Munchausens syndrome 穿梭在破旧贫民窟的孟乔森综合病的牺牲品(指神精病) My whole life I was made to beleive I was sick when I wasnt在我一生中,我曾被迫相信自己是废物虽然我其实根本不是 Til I grew up, now I blew up直到我长大后才醒悟,现在我发飙了,反击了…… 25 to Life too late for the other side  现在回头为时已晚   caught in a change  由于一次变故   25 to life  25岁时,即决定了一生   too late for the other side  现在回头为时已晚   caught in a change  由于一次变故   25 to life  25岁时,即决定了一生   yeah too late  耶,太晚了   i cant keep chasing em  我无法一直追逐它们   takin’my life back  我要重活一遍   caught in a change  由于一次变故   25 to life  25岁,即决定了一生   i dont think she understands the sacrifices that i made  我不认为她能懂得我所作出的牺牲   maybe if this b**ch had acted right i wouldve stayed  或许,如果这女表子表现的好点,我会留在她身边   but ive already wasted over half of my life i wouldve laid  但是我已经浪费了我大半辈子,我本会为你倒下,   down and died for you i no longer cry for you  为你而死,但我不会再为你而哭泣   no more pain b**ch  不再有伤害了  you took me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planet  你对我如此冷漠,夺走了我的心,却径直地把它扔到另一个星球   into the dirt i can no longer stand it  扔进了泥土里,我再也无法忍受了   now my respect i demand it  现在我要求得到尊重   imma take control of this relationship  我将掌控我们这段关系   command it, and imma be the boss of you now goddamnit  控制它,现在我TMD是你的头了   and what i mean is that i will no longer let you control me  我的意思是我将不再受制于你了……



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