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The article mianly elaborate the ZY3200/15/35 hydraulic support design for top-caving. includes: the selection of hydraulic pressure support form, system design, main spar part design and examination of hydraulic system design
The support eliminates must realize effectively carries on the strut to the roof, but also must realize ,to fall, to push, move four steps .the support uses four link motion gears, improves the support the stress condition, reduces the support to rise and full the distance which in the process fort end the top-beam around moves. The column uses the list expansion and contraction hydraulic cylinder, front end has legthens the pole, satisfies the support to be lowest and time the highest position high request. The top-beam, shields Liang, the foundation all makes the packed in a box body structure, becomes with the steel plate welding.
At research to presses the support, need to carry on produce to experiment and analyze the research, make sure reasonable of liquid presses the support to be subjected to the dint parameter, the sport parameter and the structure parameters, and make selection the liquid to press the synthetic science technique problem of aspect of etc. of the best project of support. This design mainly this hand from the work principle of the support, then carry on the total structure design and school pits.
Keyword: Hydraulic pressure support;Top beam;Cradle;the column-type support;caving shield
目 录
摘要 I
1绪 论 1
1.1本课题的研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内液压支架的研究现状及发展 2
2液压支架概述 4
2.1 液压支架的工作原理 4
2.1.1 支架升降 4
2.1.2支架推移 4
2.1.3 支架承载过程 5
2.2支架的选型设计 6
2.2.1设计的工作条件 6