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摘 要 今天我们已经进入了一个无线技术无所不在的时代。在家中,使用便利的无线电话;出门在外使用手机与远方的亲人通话、发短消息;开车,GPS系统为我们导航指路;工作,使用无线网卡可以随时随地地进行网上办公等等。随着技术的进步,无线通信和无线网络将迅速地向我们日常生活中的各个方面扩展,不久的将来我们大部分的电子产品都将是无线并可随时在线的,一个无线社会很快就将成为现实,并将深刻改变人们的生活方式。 智能小车,也就是轮式机器人,最适合在那些人类无法工作的环境中工作,该技术可以应用于无人驾驶机动车,无人生产线,仓库,服务机器人,航空航天等领域。作为20世纪自动化领域的重大成就,机器人已经和人类社会的生产、生活密不可分。因此为了实现对智能小车的精确控制,进一步研究及完善其速度和方向的控制是非常有必要的。 本论文提出了一种基于AVR单片机的车模无线运动控制系统设计的总体方案和实现方法。系统采用高速度低功效单片机ATmega8L和ATmega16L作为主控制芯片,315M无线收发模块。车模采用四轮式结构,利用L298N实现电机差分驱动,并结合控制算法以及直流电机PWM调速实现方向、速度的快速调整。本系统集霍尔传感器、无线通信、USB转串口通信、上位机控制于一体,可以很方便地实现上位机对车模无线运动的控制。 关键词 AVR单片机;无线通信;PWM调速;车模 Abstract Today we have entered into all era of ubiquitous wireless technology. The wireless phones, mobile phones, GPS navigation system and wireless network card can be available and convenient for people to use anytime and anywhere. With the advancement of technology, wireless communications and wireless networks will quickly affect all aspects of our daily life. And most of the electronic products will be wireless and online at any time in the near future. A society with wireless technology will be a reality soon and will change the life style of people profoundly. Intelligent vehicle, also is called as wheeled robot, most suits in the environment which these human beings are unable to work, the technology can be applied to unmanned vehicles, unmanned production lines, warehouses, service robots, aerospace and other fields. As the major achievements in the field of automation of the 20th century, robotics and human society has been inseparable in production and daily life. Therefore, in order to achieve accuracy control of the intelligent vehicle and improve its speed and direction control is very necessary. This paper proposes the overall design plan and the realization method of one kind of car model wireless motion control based on the AVR single-chip. The system uses high-speed and low-power ATmega8L and ATmegal6L as the main chip, 315M as wireless transceiver modules. Car model uses


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