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内蒙古高等教育自学考试 公司管理 专业(本科段) 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计题目: 凯德商贸有限公司员工培训问题研究 助学单位 姓 名 王建华 准考证号 990410409910 指导教师 20 年 月 日 中文摘要 当今领域的竞争已经成为人才的竞争。企业为了实现目标,做大做强更加重视人结构,企业领导在员工培训和开发多的投入付出。事实上,企业员工培训可以提升人力资源价值,增强企业核心竞争力,从而更加高效地企业的战略目标。 员工培训的现实意义在于为企业自身培养了高素质的人才,使工作效率提高,成本降低,并提高了企业对人才的吸引力。我国民营企业的员工培训还处于起步阶段,培训体系还不并且由于认识上的误区在操作中许多问题。 本文阐述了民营企业员工培训的重要性,我国民营企业员工培训现状、认识上的误区以及存在的问题,针对现状,以一家民营企业为案例,通过理论与结合,提出了民营企业员工培训问题的对策建议,以期培训工作更科学、合理高效。为确保研究结论的客观、准确和可靠,本文坚持理论联系实际,定性和定量分析相结合的研究原则方法。因此,有效的员工培训,是企业提升综合竞争力的重要过程。应当指出,培训的效果并不取决于受训者个人,企业组织本身的作为,起着非常关键的作用。 民营企业;员工;培训 In today’s society, competition has become a talent contest in many fields. In order to achieve its objective and pursue the strongest or the largest,our company must pay more attention to their talent structure,which inquires the leaders of our company to invent much more capital in training employee and developing accordingly.In fact,training can make the value of human resources be raised so as to enhance the core competitiveness of the company,to fulfil the strategic objectives effectively. The realitic meaning of the training is to bring up qualified employees, improve work efficiency, reduce cost, and increase the attraction of the enterprise. While, the employee training of the private enterprise in Chinese is managed still at the starting stage; its system is under construction, and many problems appear during the operating because of the misunderstanding of the principle. The paper analyzes the importance of employee training, describes on the basis of the current situation of employee training:the usual misunderstandings, the main problems in Chinese private enterprise.In accordance with this,the paper studies the theories of employee training as well as takes one private company as an example. It puts forward the way to deal with the employee training problems,as to facilitate employee training more sc


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