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第 3 1 卷 第 3 期 电 子 器 件 Vol . 3 1 N o . 3
2008 年 6 月 Chinese J our nal Of Elect r on Devices J un . 2008
Simulation of Electric Fiel d and Magnetic Fiel d in Microwave Oven Cavity
GU X i aow ei , M E N G L i n , S UN Yiqi n , Y U X i nh ua , P U X i aol i ang
( )
S chool of P hy s ical E lect ronics , Uni v . of E lect ro. S ci. an d Tech . of Chi na , Cheng d u 6 10054 , Chi na
Abstract :The reality making u se of high frequency electromagnetic field software to be build p recision model of a
microwave oven cavity , and t he electric characteristic parameter of t he media material is set in t he cavity . Com
pared t he simulation result wit h t he vector network analyzer in the reflection coefficient and p hase picture result ,
t he error is less than 8 %. It was found that t hey are coincided wit h each ot her very well . It is p roved t hat the
met hod p resented here is p ractical and u seful . The error of t his measurement is discussed. Then studying the
waveguide tube relative po sition of t he microwave oven to t he matching performance of t he microwave oven . These
p rovide an engineer t heoretical guiding during t he period of cold matching of microwave oven , curtailing develop
ment time of microwave oven new platform , t hen imp roveing competition .
Key words :microwave oven ;elect ro magnetic fiel d simulatio n ; vector net wor k analyzer ; S p aramet er
EEACC :5100
顾小卫 ,蒙 林 ,孙宜琴 ,于新华 ,蒲小亮