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生态学杂志 200 1 ,20 (5) :64 - 68
Chinese Journal of Ecology
林 窗 与 生 物 多 样 性 维 持
梁晓东 叶万辉 蚁伟民
( 中国科学院华南植物研究所 ,广州 5 10650)
Gap Dynamics and the Maintenance of Biodiversity. Liang Xiaodong , Ye Wanhui , Yi Weimin ( S out h China I ns tit ute of
B otany , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , Guangz hou 5 10650 . Chinese J ou rnal of Ecology , 200 1, 20( 5) :64 - 68.
This p ap er reviewed t he concept ,formation and function of gap and develop ed a new concept ,canop y rift . It refers to t he
small 1 - 25m rift in t he canopy caused by t he different distribution p attern of t he canopy sp ecies or breakage ,standing
deat h and treefall . Canopy gap ,mainly caused by smallscale disturbances including natural disturbance regime and human
disturbance regime ,is an important p hase in t he forest regeneration cycle . It plays a leading role in t he formation and
maintenance of t he p atches mosaic structure in a forest community . Corresponding to t he t hree p hases of t he forest regen
eration cycle ,p atches can be classified into t hree typ es :gap p hase ,building p hase and mature forest . Many factors may
contribute to t he maintenance of biodiversity . Here we divided t hem into ①intrinsic factors ,mainly including t he biologi
cal and ecological characteristics of t he sp ecies and ②external factors ,t he heterogeneity of habitat . The formation of gap s
leads to t he diversification of microenvironment ,and changes t he typ e and magnitude of understory . Gap imp act s t he for
est microenvironment ,community structure and dynamic process. Gap causes different status of renewal between pioneer
sp ecies
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