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2 8 5 V o.l 2 8 N o. 5 2008 10 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION O ct. 200 8 : 1000- 1301( 2008) 05- 0027- 11 梁建文, 刘中宪 ( , 300072) : , , : : P315. 3 : A Scattering of cylindrical waves around a cavity in a half-space L IANG J ianw en, L IU Zhongx ian ( T ian jin U n ivers ity, T ian jin 300072, Ch ina) Abs tract: T he scattering o f cy lindrica l w aves by a cav ity in h alf-sp ace is investigated by using an indirect boundary integra l equat ion m ethod ( IB IEM ) . By check ing the sat isfaction o f the boundary cond ition and com paring the de- generated resu lt w ith the exact so lu tion, the accuracy of th is study is ver ified. The effect o f the inc ident frequ ency, the distance bewt een w ave source and cavity, etc. on the surface ground m otion and the dynam ic stress concentra- t ion factor ( DSCF ) around the cav ity are discu ssed, and som e u seful conclu sion s are obtained. T hey are helpful to the explosion resistant design o f eng ineer ings. K ey w ord s: h al-f sp ace cav ity cylindrica l w aves scattering IB IEM D SCF 20 70 , P aoM ow[ 1] , [ 2] [ 3] , SH [ 4] [ 5] SH , M ano lis Beskos P [ 6] [ 7- 8] SH [ 9 ~ 11] P SV , , , [ 1] , , [ 12], SH : 2008- 03- 25 : 2008- 06- 15 : ( NCET - 05- 0248) ( 07JCZDJC 10 100) : ( 1965- ) , , , , . E-m ail: L iang@ tju. edu. cn 28 28 , ( , ), ( [ 13][ 6] ), , , , P SV , , 1 1,


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