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Introduction 國立清華大學資訊工程學系 How to Make a Cappuccino? 材料:咖啡豆、牛奶、肉桂粉 用具:磨豆機、摩卡壼、牛奶發泡器 The Recipe 材料:咖啡豆、牛奶、肉桂粉或可可粉 用具:磨豆機、摩卡壼、牛奶發泡器 1. 將咖啡豆磨成粉,倒入摩卡壺杯內 2. 將摩卡壺下半部倒入水,上下套好,鎖緊壺身 3. 將咖啡壺置於瓦斯爐上煮沸,待熱水全部上升至 上半部時離火,將咖啡倒進咖啡杯裡。 4. 在發泡器中倒入1/3壺鮮奶,加熱至60度C 5. 將濾網蓋放入發泡器中上下抽動約60次 6. 將發泡器底層之奶水倒入咖啡杯中約1/3杯, 再刮入1/3杯奶泡,灑上可可粉或肉桂粉 ?完成一杯卡布奇諾咖啡 Center of Computer Science Computer science/computer engineering studies algorithms and programming Compare Disciplines Some Terminologies Algorithm: A set of steps that defines how a task is performed Program: A representation of an algorithm Programming: The process of developing a program Software: Programs and algorithms Hardware: Equipment What Are We Going to Learn? Part I: How computers work? Data representation Data manipulation Operating system Computer network Data Representation The ingredients Data Manipulation The tools Operating System The manager of the house Computer Network The system to link computers and let them communicate What Else to Learn? Part II: How to make computers work? Algorithm Programming language Data structure System development and software engineering Data Structure The data arrangement that makes algorithms and programs efficient Software Engineering The principles of (large-scaled) system development We Will Also Talk about Part III: What computers can/cannot do? Database systems Multimedia Artificial intelligence Computer aided design/scientific computing Theory of computation Database The system appearing everywhere in our daily life Multimedia Text, audio, images, animation, video, and computer games Artificial Intelligence The study and design of intelligent agents CAD/Scientific Computing The tools aiding design and scientific discovery Theory of Computation Knowing the limitations of computers The Class Map 必修課 系學程分類 理論與演算法 電腦網路 系統軟體 IC設計 多媒體與影像處理 Weblink .tw/nthucs/ 必修課 理論與演算法 電腦網路 系統軟體 IC設計 多媒體與影像處理 Course Administration 授課老師: 金仲達 辦公室: 資電443 電話: 2804 email: 助教: 羅祥維、余家祥 上課時間


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