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35 9 第 卷 第 期 真 空 科 学 与 技 术 学 报 2015 9 CHINESE JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 年 月 1035 短间隙短路放电的场增强因子研究 1,2 1* 1 1 钟久明 刘树林 段江龙 王玉婷 (1. 西安科技大学电气与控制工程学院 西安 7 10054 ;2. 海南师范大学物理与电子工程学院 海口 57 1158) Field Enhancement Factor in Short-Circuit Discharge Across Narrow-Gap Zhong Jiuming1,2 ,Liu Shulin1* ,Duan Jianglong1 ,Wang Yuting1 (1. School of Electrical and Control Engineering ,Xi ’an University of Science & Technology ,Xi ’an 7 10054 ,China ; 2. School of Physic and Electronics Engineering ,Hainan Normal University ,Haikou 57 1158 ,China) Abstract The short-circuit discharge ,occurring at the narrow gap between the electrodes of W-wire and Cd- disc of the safety spark test apparatus specified by international electrical commission (IEC-SSTA),was empirically approximated ,mathematically modeled ,theoretically analyzed and experimentally evaluated. The impact of the mi- crostructures of the side surfaces of the Cd-disc ,covered with various scraps because of the contacts,as shown in its scanning electron microscopy images,on the field emission was investigated. To begin with ,the rough side-surfaces of the Cd-cathode were approximated as the uniformly distributed array of micro-domes ,a few microns in diameter ; next ,the static potential ,around an individual micro-dome ,was estimated by solving Laplace ’s equation ;and final- ly ,the field enhancement factors , and ,were derived with F-N formula. The effective field enhancement factor β 0 β 1


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