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First ,find out some key words and phrases. 1.以…为依据 2,以…为背景 3.例如 4,意味着 5,长大 6,一大笔 7.幸存下来 8.怀疑 9.迷失的 10.想知道 11,介意某人做某事 12.事实上 13.这都是我的错 14,提供某人某物 作者马克·吐温以满腔热情和真挚的爱为读者塑造了小主人公汤姆·索亚和他的一群小伙伴。汤姆·索亚是个成长中的孩子,他调皮,喜欢恶作剧,却又善良可爱乐于助人。他讨厌教堂里老师干巴巴的说教,他不喜欢整天在学校里干燥无味的生活,他向往成为绿林好汉,他希望加入海盗,过新鲜刺激的生活。他总在危险时刻,挺身而出,做出那些懦弱的“好孩子”、体面的“优秀生”无法做出的正义行为,展示出自己的魅力。 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》描写小顽童哈克遇到逃离主人的小黑奴吉姆,两人为了躲避一场杀人误会,乘坐一条小木筏沿著密西西比河顺流而下,碰到了各种有趣的遭遇。其中最紧张刺激的一段 ,是哈克拆穿骗子「国王」欺骗三姐妹家产的骗局,结果被坏蛋穷追不舍。而哈克为了应否协助黑奴逃亡也时常内心交战,终於在辗转发展下有了一个完满的收场。 This drama is adapted from Mark Twain’s short story The Million Pound Bank Note Task1;kowning the story Scanning aside(旁白),find out the informations When? __________________ Where?_________ Who?_____;______;_____;____ What?___________________ Scanning Time __________________ Place _________ Characters: Henry Adams 2) Roderick Oliver 4) Servant Events(事件): Task3:read carefully to find out how many questions the two brothers asked Henry? comperhending4:1.Why doyou think that the brothers chose Henry for their bet? If you were them ,who would you chose? A.A person who is penniless but honest and hard working,first comes America. B.A person who is lazy and penniless,live in America. Homework:Read the rest of the reading and tell me : What is inside the letter?And what happened next? I find you… 2. Think about what kind of person Henry was? Find some adjectives(or other words) to describe them after reading. It is my first trip here. Well, to be honest, I have none. Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand. Could you offer me some kind of work here? I don’t want your charity, I just want an honest job. I landed in Britain by accident. It was all my fault. 2. What kind of persons you think Oliver and Roderick are? 1) rich (servants and not worrying about giving a stranger a million pound bank-note) 2) mischievous (恶作剧的;调皮的,淘气的) (prepared to bet one million pounds


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