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本科毕业论文 指导教师: 讲师 学院名称 公共管理学院 专业名称 土地资源管理 论文提交日期 年 月 日 论文答辩日期 2012年4月 20日 摘 要 随着2009年广东省发布的《关于促进粤西地区振兴发展的指导意见》深入到粤西三市经济、社会发展的各个方面,粤西地区面临着一次经济、社会齐发展的良好机遇。根据区域发展理论,一个区域的经济发展,需要一个“增长极”的带动,而增长极理应是一个集天时地利人和的地方。竞争力则是一个地方的发展潜力的体现,因此研究城市竞争力势在必行了。本文就是在这种情况下,孕育而生。 文章根据城市竞争力理论,通过“弓弦模型”分析,对粤西三市的竞争力因子数据的科学收集,建立了科学、合理、严谨的城市竞争力评价模型,再由模型分析得出三市的综合竞争力排名。通过数据的分析,以及最后结果的总结,让我们认清了三市的竞争力优劣势,也让粤西三市认清自己的本身竞争力强弱,认清未来的路应该要怎样走,才能促进了粤西的经济、社会更快、更好、更科学的发展。 关键词:粤西三市 “弓弦模型” 城市竞争力 综合评价法 Comprehensive Competitiveness of Western Guangdong City Based on the Bowstring model Li Yufei (College of Science, South China Agricultural University Guangzhou 510642,China) Abstract: With the Guangdong Province in 2009 on the promotion the western Guangdong revitalization and development of guidance in-depth all aspects of economic and social development in the three cities in western Guangdong, western Guangdong is facing an economic, social Qi good opportunity for development. According to the theory of regional development, regional economic development, need a growth pole, driven by the growth pole is supposed to be set in this region the right place at the right place. Competitiveness is a manifestation of the potential for development of a place, so the research of urban competitiveness imperative. In this case, born out. According to the theory of urban competitiveness by bowstring model analysis of The competitiveness impact factor of scientific data collection, the three cities to establish a scientific, rational, rigorous evaluation system of urban competitiveness, derived from the system of three cities overall competitiveness ranking. Through data analysis, as well as the final summary of the results, let us recognize the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the three cities, three cities in western Guangdong clear understanding of the strength of their competitiveness, should recognize the way how to go promote western Guangdongs econo


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