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目 录 1 工程效益及设计要求 4 1.1工程效益 4 1.2 设计要求 5 2 工程设计基本资料 5 2.1流域概况 5 2.2气候特征 5 2.3水文特征 6 2.4工程地质、地形 7 2.5建筑材料 8 2.6其他 8 3 工程等别及各级建筑物的级别确定 8 3.1确定工程等别及各级建筑物的级别 8 4 调洪计算 9 4.1设计洪水和校核洪水的计算 9 4.1.1绘制设计洪水过程线及校核洪水过程线 9 4.1.2泄洪方式及水库运用方式选择 10 4.2调洪计算 10 4.2.1计算并绘制水库q=f(V)关系曲线。 10 4.2.2调洪原理及计算步骤 10 4.2.3第一种方案调洪计算 12 4.2.2方案二的调洪计算 16 4.2.3方案三的调洪计算 20 4.2.4方案四的调洪计算 23 4.2.5方案选定 28 5 水电站引水建筑物设计 28 5.1隧洞的总体布置及洞线选择 28 5.2进水口建筑物形式的选择 28 5.3进水口布置 28 5.3.1进水口的进口高程选择 29 5.3.2隧洞洞径估算 30 5.3.3进水口轮廓尺寸确定 30 5.4进水口及隧洞的水力计算 32 5.4.1拦污栅局部水头损失 32 5.4.2进水口局部阻力水头损失 33 5.4.3进水口闸门段水头损失 33 5.4.4进水口渐变段局部水头损失 34 5.4.5沿程水头损失 35 5.4.6校核设计隧洞能否设计流量 36 5.4.7绘制库水位与隧洞流量关系曲线 39 5.5隧洞的衬砌结构计算 41 5.5.1衬砌的材料和形式 41 5.5.2衬砌厚度确定 42 5.5.3隧洞荷载计算 42 5.5.4荷载作用下的内力计算 43 5.5.5荷载组合 47 5.5.6荷载组合计算 47 5.5.7钢筋配置 48 6调压室的设计 52 6.1调压室的设置条件 52 【摘要】【Abstract 】The design carried out mainly on D River Flood Diversion Project in calculation and design. Calculation is the use of flood inflow of flood flow time curve to determine the maximum discharge for in order to determine the appropriate capacity and water level, from the data to calculate the four groups compared to the use constraints, and ultimately only the first option Meet the requirements. The weir crest elevation: 2810.2 m net width of the spillway crest: 7.2m.Design of Water Diversion Project is mainly on the intake section, the design of tunnel segments, according to the given information, select a pressure inlet, and using the known topographic and geologic conditions, including the intake pressure shaft, tower, tower bank, Dam-style, through analysis and comparison, the final choice silo intake, and intake of the inlet section of the elevation, the gate section, to determine the size of transition section to determine the tunnel hole diameter is 3.6m, tunnel length is 600m, not tunnel Hydraulic calculation, checking the design tunnel to meet the requirements, the lining of the tunnel structure calculation, the final result is both inside and outside with reinforced steel


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