English-Presentation humor 英语演讲PPT 幽默.ppt

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English-Presentation humor 英语演讲PPT 幽默

Humor WuYaliang SY1006436 * How do you define humor? Humor is easy to recognize , but difficult to define . Humor refers to something that is funny/amusing/comical(古怪而可笑的). * How do you define humor? Humor is found in jokes , anecdotes(轶事,掌故,〔pl.〕秘史), epigrams (警句,讽刺短诗), and in amusing situations . Humor is a sign of intelligence. It refers to the ability to see , appreciate , or express what is amusing or comical . * Definition of humor from dictionary --- the ability to laugh and find things funny 对滑稽事物的感受能力 --- the quality of being funny and making people laugh 幽默;滑稽 * Something humorous * Joke Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, Congratulations, you got twins. The man said How strange, Im the manager of Minnesota Twins. After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, Congratulations, you got triplets. Man was like Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the 3 musketeers. * Joke Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says Congratulations, you got twins x2. Man is happy and says, Ironic, I work for the hotel 4 Seasons. All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him whats wrong and he answered, Whats wrong? I work for 7up! * Joke 四个好朋友在医院里碰面了,他们的妻子正在生产.护士过来对第一个男人说:恭喜,你得了双胞胎.男人说:多奇怪呀,我是明尼苏达双子队的经理.过了一会儿,护士过来对第二个男人说:恭喜,你得了三胞胎.男人很喜欢:嗯,又巧了.我是3M公司的董事.最后,护士跑来对第三个男人说:恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎.男人很开心地说:真令人啼笑皆非,我为四季宾馆工作.他们三个都很高兴,但第四个伙伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,咒骂上帝并用头撞墙.他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀! * picture * picture * picture * Story --- Virtue Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 years since I began there as a student. * Stor



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