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《SHERLOCK》 Season One Episode TwoThe Blind Banker YAOSOOLIN: The great artisans say the more the teapot is used the more beautiful it becomes. The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time. Some pots, the clay has been burnished by tea made over 400 years ago. This museum will be closing in 10 minutes. ANDY: 400 years old, theyre letting you use it to make yourself a brew. YAO: Some things arent supposed to sit behind glass, theyre made to be touched. To be handled. These pots need attention. The clay is cracking. ANDY: Well, I cant see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. YAO: Sometimes you have to look hard at something to see its value. See? This one shines a little brighter. ANDY: I dont suppose... Um, I mean... I dont suppose that you want to have a drink? Not tea, obviously. Um, in a pub, with me, tonight. YAO: You wouldnt like me all that much. ANDY: Can I maybe decide that for myself? YAO: I cant. Im sorry. Please stop asking. YAO: Is that security? Hello? Can the till supervisor please go to...? Unexpected item in bagging area, please try again. Item not scanned. Please try again. W: Can you maybe keep your voice down? Card not authorized. W: Yes, all right! Ive got it. Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorized. Please use an alternative method of payment. W: Keep it. Keep that. 【THE BLIND BANKER】 You took your time. W: Yeah, I didnt get the shopping. S: What? Why not? W: Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine. S: You... You had a row with a machine?! W: Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash? S: Take my card. W: You could always go yourself, you know, youve been sitting there all morning, youve not even moved since I left. And what happened about that case you were offered the Jaria diamond? S: Not interested. I sent them a message. 【Sherlock – How’re things, buddy? Been a long time since we (met).


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