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题 “龙腾长者乐有为计划”项目策划书 姓名李仕林? 长春工业大学 分 类 号: C916 单位代码:10190 研究生学号: 201010005 密 级: 无 硕士学位论文 ————群体性积极老龄化的社工为老服务介入 Dragon Elder Happy Plan Project Planning Books Groups of positive aging social service intervention for the old 研 究 生 姓 名: 李 仕 林 专 业: 社会工作 指导教师姓名: 赵晓明 陈明艺 指导教师职称: 副教授 副教授 2012年 6 月 摘 要 目前,社工为老服务在中原经济区发展中处于初步探索阶段,老龄化社会问题在城市社区尤为突出,老年人在退休后由社会走向家庭,大部分物质需求已经得到了满足,但角色的转变容易使他们出现心理失衡,其心态常被失落、孤独、焦虑等情绪所笼罩。社区作为老年人退休后的主要活动场所,为老年人提供的各种服务和支持远远没有达到他们的需求,特别是老年人的精神文化需求,面临被忽视的境地。虽然一些社区老年人已经自发组织各种互助小组,在同伴群体中有着较强的示范和影响力, 但是现阶段老年自发的活动小组往往都是活动单一,持续性不强,没有针对性,不能全面的发挥老年人的潜力。“龙腾长者乐有为计划”既是针对这种现状运用专业的社会工作理论和方法,依据社会学中社会群体理论、小组动力理论等为依据,选择郑州市某社区托老站为研究试点,通过组织老人志愿小组、兴趣小组、支持小组,发挥老年群体间的影响力,促进服务对象维持良好的健康状况,提高自主生活能力、自主学习能力、自我服务能力,应对身体、心理等变化的能力,促进自身社会价值的实现。探索社工介入为老服务的老年人群体性积极老龄化经验。 关键词:社会工作 为老服务 群体积极老龄化 项目策划 Abstract Currently, social service for the old in China Economic Zone Development in the initial stage of exploration, the problem of the aging society in city communities is highlighted particularly. In elderly retired from society to the family, most of the material needs have been satisfied, but the role transformation is easy to make them appear psychological unbalance. Its state of mind is often lost, lonely, anxiety and other emotions over. The community as the elderly retired activities, for the elderly to provide various services and support far failed to meet their needs, especially the elderly spiritual and cultural needs, faces were ignored. Although a number of older people in the community have spontaneously organized a group. In the peer group has a strong demonstration and influence, but at this stage of senile spontaneous activities of the group are often the activity of single, persistent is not strong, not targeted, cannot fully exert the potential for the elderly. Dragon elder Le You Wei plan is in view of this situation, the use of p


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