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摘要 供应链管理在今日是一个很热门的话题,但很少有人去注意到一个供应链要做的好,首先第一要务便是要做好供应商的评估与选择,因为唯有适合的供应商与之配合,才能有双赢的合伙关系,也才能快速的反应消费者需求,否则一切只是空谈。以往的供应商选择评估大多是着重于品质、交货期、成本,但对今日讲求快速反应的供应链管理环境而言,却显得不足。因为在供应链管理下,买方与供应商之间的关系己经不再对立,买方与供应商逐渐走向合伙的双赢局面,供应商的评估准则除以往评估重点外,应逐渐重视其经营理念、合作能力、供应商与买方之间的资讯连接能力等。所以,本研究产生研究国内供应链下供应商选择评估指标的动机,希望未来能让厂商在选择供应商时更能门当户对的供应商来配合,以提升国内企业在国际间的竞争力。 关键词:供应商,评估,选择,研究; Summary Supply chain management today is a very popular topic, but noticed a few people to do good supply chain, the first priority is to make the supplier evaluation and selection, because only suitable suppliers associated with, in order to have a win-win partnership, and can quickly respond consumer demand, or else is just empty talk. Previous assessment of supplier selection are mostly focused on quality, delivery, cost, but todays emphasis on rapid response supply chain management environment, it seems inadequate. Because the supply chain management, buyer-supplier relationships has been no confrontation between buyers and suppliers to gradually move toward a win-win partnership, supplier assessment criteria in addition to the previous assessment focus, it should be increasing emphasis on its philosophy, ability to cooperate, suppliers and connectivity information between the buyer and so on. Therefore, this study produced studies of domestic supply chain vendor selection under evaluation indicators of motivation and hope in the future to make manufacturers more perfect match when selecting suppliers of suppliers to meet, in order to enhance domestic enterprises in international competitiveness. Keywords: supplier evaluation, selection, research; 目录 摘要 1 Summary 1 目录 2 一、研究背景及发展现状 3 1.1、论文的研究背景 3 1.2、发展现状 3 二、供应链管理理论 4 2.1、起源与发展 4 2.2、供应链管理概述 4 2.3、供应链管理思想 6 三、供应链管理下供应商的管理 7 3.1、供应商管理的重要性 7 3.2、供应商的分类与特点 7 3.3、供应商管理策略 8 四、供应商评估方式 9 4.1、供应商选择与评估的原则 9 4.2、指标选取 10 4.3、多指标决策方法 11 4.3.1、层次分析法 11 4.3.2、层次分析法的应用 11 五、实例分析 11 5.1、项目介绍 11 5.2、评估结果 12 六、结论 14 参考文献 14 一、研究背景及发展现状 1.1、论文的研究背景 近年来社会快速发展变化,企业面临越来越严峻的转型压力。过去企业均强调


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