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***************************** 本科学生毕业论文 论文题目: 家用电器销售网站的设计与实现 学 院: ** 年 级: **级 专 业: **** 姓 名: ** 学 号: ** 指导教师: ** ****年**月**日 摘要 20世纪末信息产业迅速发展,互联网以及相关技术日渐成熟,Internet投入商业化运营以后,使人们对网络交易这个新兴产业有了一定的了解,标志着一个崭新电子商务时代的来临。“家用电器销售网站”就是一种典型的电子商务运用,随着网络咨询的发展,家用电器销售网站商城能满足广大人民对家电市场的需求。通过合理的应用,还可以节约商品的选购时间,通过网上交易,使购物变得更加方便、快捷。 本文系统地阐述了整个家用电器销售网站的功能及实现过程,该系统共分两个部分,前台购物部分和后台管理部分。在前台购物部分中,主要包括会员注册、浏览商品、查看商品详细信息、选购商品、取消订单和查看订单;后台管理部分主要包括商品管理、订单管理、商品分类管理、公告/反馈管理、支付管理和其他管理功能。 目前开发这种网站用到的主要技术有:JSP、ASP、PHP等,用到的数据库主要是一些流行的数据库,如Oracle、SQL Server、MySQL等,本网站用到的开发技术为JSP,使用SQLServer2000数据库。使用Tomcat作为web服务器。本网站界面简单直观,易于操作和使用,交互性强。 关键词 JSP;电子商务Dreamweaver Abstract At the end of the twentieth Century the rapid development of information industry, Internet and related technology maturity, Internet put into commercial operation, so that people on the network transactions in this burgeoning industry have a certain understanding, marked a new era of e-commerce. Household appliances sales site is a typical example of the use of e-commerce, with the development of network consulting, sales of household electrical appliances store can satisfy the people to the site of home appliance market need. Through the reasonable application of the purchase of goods, can also save time, through online transactions, make shopping more convenient, quick. This paper systematically expounds the household appliances sales website functionality and implementation process, the system is divided into two parts: front shopping section and the backstage management part. In the shopping section, including the register, browse products, view detailed information of goods, buy goods, show canceled orders and orders; Background management mainly include: the commodity management, order management, merchandise management, bulletin / feedback management, payment management and other management. At present the development of the site to use the major technologies: JSP, ASP, PHP etc., Use the database mainl


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