
廊桥遗梦The Bridges Of Madison County.docx

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±?êéà′×??a·?txtD??μ?????? ?ü?à?üD??a·?μ?×óêé??1?×¢ 1 Our story begins in 1965, on a hot afternoon in August. FADE IN EXT. IOWA LANDSCAPE - DA Rolling green hills, lush farmland, vast open space. Not a house or sign of life in sight. On a long dusty road, a TRUCK is driving across the screen. Clouds of dirt follow in its tracks -- its motor, the only sound we hear. INT. TRUCK - DAY FRANCESCA JOHNSON is sitting in the front seat of the pick-up truck. Her expression is distant. Her eyes are sad, as if hiding a burden she can hardly bear. Her husband, RICHARD JOHNSON, is driving. RICHARD You feeling better Franny? FRANCESCA Yes. Im fine. Its just this heat I think. He nods, satisfied. He turns on the radio as the VOICE OF DINAH WASHINGTON sings a bluesy, haunting love song, ILL CLOSE MY EYES. DINAH WASHINGTON (SINGS) 2 EXT. JOHNSON HOUSE - DAY Carolyn steps out of the doorway and heads for the car, out of which exit her brother Michael and his country girl wife BETTY, a stout buxom chatterbox. Both boast Florida tans and fashion styles. MICHAEL (to Carolyn) Explain to me again why we didnt do this in Des Moines in an air conditioned office? CAROLYN Moms orders. MICHAEL Lawyer here? CAROLYN (nods) I have some sandwich fixings if youre hungry. BETTY (proudly) No, we just had lunch at the hotel with my brother and his new wife. She told me all the dirt. I forgot how interesting things can get around here. It was so good to see them. The last time we visited they were in Europe. He is doing so well. He ordered champagne. For lunch! I nearly died. MICHAEL I nearly died when we split the bill. BETTY Michael doesnt understand. People who make the kind of money my brother makes dont carry money on them. They keep it all in various accounts. MICHAEL Then we should have had lunch at the bank. Carolyn tries not to laugh. Betty shoots him a dirty look, then stops to take in the house and its surroundings. BETTY Boy. It sure has been a long time. MICHAEL (correcting her) We were her


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