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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目 企业配送体系构建 ——我国连锁零售企业物流配送体系构建 作者姓名 丁 昕 指导教师 李 滨 江 二级学院 商 学 院 专 业 物流管理 学 号 8B084329 2012 年 5月 12 日 企业配送体系构建 ——我国连锁零售企业物流配送体系构建 摘 要 处于物流末端的物流配送的发展对整个物流业,乃至整个国民经济的发展起着重大的推动作用,所以说如果我国的物流配送水平能得到改善,我国的国民经济和综合实力将能得到巨大的提高。但同时,由于基础设施的不完善和专业人员的缺乏等因素,我国的物流配送业仍存在很多弊端和不完善之处,比如物流企业在进行配送的过程中无法制定合理的配送方案,无法制定高效的配送作业流程等。本文首先探讨了物流配送体系的组成部分及具体内容,随后通过分析我国目前配送体系的现状及问题,从而延伸到我国连锁零售企业物流配送体系的的所存在的具体问题及其原因,最后对我国连锁零售企业物流配送体系的改进提出策略和期望。物流业在我国尚处于探索阶段,本文的撰写对我国连锁零售企业物流配送配送体系构建提供一定的理论支持,且对实际运作有着一定的指导作用。 关键词:物流配送;配送体系;连锁零售企业 Abstract Logistics distribution is the end link of logistics,and it take an important part in the development of logistics and our countrys economy.So,if the level of our country’s. logistics distribution can be enhanced, the society’s economy and comprehensive power of our country. Can also have great progress.Our country’s logistics distribution has a lot of canker and imperfect places,for the deficient of infrastructure and lack of specialists, logistics enterprise can not formulate reasonable distribution plan and distribution work process and so on.This paper first discusses the logistics distribution system and contents of the part, and through the analysis of the present situation and problems of distribution system, which extends to of our retail chain logistics distribution system of the existing problems and reasons of the concrete, and finally to our country retail chain enterprise logistics distribution system for the improvement strategies and expectations. Logistics industry in China is still in the stage of exploration, this paper writing of the retail chain to our country enterprise logistics distribution system construction to provide certain theoretical support, and to the actual operation has certain guiding role. Key Words: logistics distribution , distribution system , retail chain 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1 绪 论


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