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不同品种冬小麦再生生长对刈割干扰的响应* 王丹丹 田莉华 沈禹颖* 刘渊博 (草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室 兰州大学草地农业科技学院 兰州 730020) 摘 要 为探究不同熟性品种冬小麦库源分配对刈割的响应,在温室控制条件下,选取陇东地区常用的中熟(‘宁麦5号’和‘陇育4号’和晚熟(‘西峰 27号’和‘陇育1号’)冬小麦品种,测定不同品种冬小麦不刈割对照以及分蘖期刈割(留茬2 cm)后再生生长早期叶面积指数,花期和成熟期的物质分配及籽粒产量构成。结果表明:不同熟期冬小麦刈割后的叶面积指数、光合产物分配均有所不同。4个品种刈割后再生生长早期,叶面积指数均显著下降;再生至花期中熟品种的叶面积指数仍显著降低17%~27%,晚熟品种‘西峰 27号’略降低6%,‘陇育1号’则上升7%。中熟品种再生至花期地上生物量降低11%~18%,晚熟品种‘陇育1号’增加13%;各品种再生至花期地下生物量较未刈割均呈下降趋势,并且中熟品种的下降幅度小于晚熟品种,但晚熟品种在成熟期出现增加趋势,‘陇育1号’显著增加26%。再生至花期中熟品种各部可溶性碳水化合物含量均降低,而晚熟品种‘陇育1号’各部可溶性碳水化合物含量增加2%~12%,可见晚熟品种‘陇育1号’再生至花期可溶性碳水化合物含量、干物质向叶、穗分配增加,资源再分配、源库协调能力强,为后期籽粒产量形成奠定了良好的基础,比中熟品种更适于在分蘖期利用青饲草,成熟期收获籽粒的利用方式。 关键词 粮饲兼用 叶面积指数 可溶性碳水化合物 产量 中图分类号:S548 The regrowth responses to cutting of different winter wheat cultivars WANG Dandan, TIAN Lihua , LIU Yuanbo, SHEN Yuying (State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems; College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730020, China) Abstract The response to cutting of source-sink distribution in mid maturity (‘Ningmai5’ and ‘Longyu4’) and late maturity (‘Xifeng27’ and ‘Longyu1’) winter wheat cultivars common in the Longdong region was explored. Leaf area index (LAI) at the early regrowth stage, dry matter distribution pattern at the anthesis stage and grain yield components of uncut control and cutting treatments (residual height 2 cm) of each cultivars were examined. The results show that the leaf area index and the photosynthetic products of cutting crops are different. The leaf area index in anthesis stage of the mid maturity cultivar was declined by 17%~27%, and that of the late maturity cultivar ‘Xifeng27’ was decreased by 6% , but‘Longyu1’was increased by 7% compared to the uncut crops. The biomass at anthesis of mid maturity cultivar was decreased by 11%~18%, and that of the late maturity cultivar ‘Longyu1’ was increased by 13%. The underground biomass of the 4 cultivars had a downward trend compared to the uncut, and the decline magnitude of the late maturity cultiv


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