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石榴果实发育期内6种矿质元素含量变化   摘要:以2个石榴品种为试材,对其果实发育期内叶片和果皮中的Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn六种元素的含量进行了测定比较。结果表明,果实发育期内,‘泰山红’(TSH)石榴叶片和果皮中Ca、Mg元素含量均显著高于‘泰山三白甜’(SBT)石榴,且Ca、Mg元素含量在两品种中的变化趋势较一致;TSH叶片和果皮中Fe元素含量在果实发育中期前显著高于SBT,但在花后16周后SBT中的Fe元素含量升高较迅速;SBT叶片中Mn元素含量显著高于TSH,而果皮中显著低于后者;除花后第4周TSH叶片中的Zn元素含量较SBT低外,之后均显著高于后者,而果皮中二者差异不显著;Cu元素含量较低,在果皮中未检出,叶片中的含量两品种变化趋势不一致。石榴果实发育过程中叶片与果皮各元素含量间存在一定的相关性。   关键词:石榴;果实发育期;矿质元素含量   中图分类号:S665.401 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2017)01-0059-06   Abstract Two different pomegranate varieties ‘Taishanhong’ (TSH) and ‘Taishansanbaitian’(SBT) were used as materials, and the content of six mineral elements including calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in leaves and pericarp were determined during the fruit development. The results showed that the Ca and Mg contents in the leaves and pericarp of TSH were significantly higher than those in SBT throughout all the development period, and their change curves were consistent in the two varieties. The Fe content in leaves and pericarp of TSH was significantly higher compared to SBT during 4~12 weeks after flowering, but after 16 weeks, the Fe content in SBT increased more rapidly. The Mn content in leaves of SBT were significantly higher than that of TSH, while that in pericarp of SBT was significantly lower than that of TSH. The Zn content in TSH leaves was significantly higher than that in SBT during the fruit development expect the 4th week after flowering, and there was no significant difference in the pericarp between the two varieties. The Cu content was low in the leaves and changed inconformity between the two varieties, and it was not detected in the pericarp of the two varieties. The element contents in leaves and pericarp during the pomegranate fruit development had a certain correlation with each other.   Keywords Pomegranate; Fruit development period; Mineral element content   石榴(Punica granatum L.)?槭?榴科石榴属落叶灌木或小乔木,原产古代波斯(即现在的伊朗、阿富汗)和前苏联的高加索等地[1]。石榴果实营养丰富,含有多种人体所需的营养成分如


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