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2010 4 ( 81) 王 宁 ( , 100084) : 在当今的国际比较文学和文学理论界,关于世界文学的讨论已经成为一个热门 话题, 这 全球化对文化和文学的巨大影响和作用不无关系当代西方学者 一般从歌 德对世界文学的构想汲取灵感, 将世界文学界定为文学的生产流通和翻译的过程 而本文作者则认为, 对世界文学的界定, 应同时兼顾文化的普世性和相对性因素, 在确 立具体文学文本时, 则应兼顾其经典性和可读性虽然当年歌德在提出世界文学的构 想时在很大程度上得益于对中国文学的阅读和能动性理解, 但在当今的全球文化和世 界文学的语境下, 中国文学的边缘化地位并没有得到根本的改变,这其中有着复杂的 原因其中, 最主要的原因在于长期以来的东方主义固有思维模式翻译的衰弱甚至 缺席以及西方的文学市场的现状但尽管如此,通过 国外汉学家的合作, 我们完全 有可能促使中国文学有效地走向世界进而成为世界文学不可分割的一部分 : 世界文学; 全球化; 经典性; 可读性; 中国文学; 翻译 A bstrac t: In the current fields of international comparative literature and literary theory, talking about orld literature hasbecome a cutting edge theoretic topic, hich is certainly closely related to the strong influence of globalization on and its reaction to culture and lit erature. W estern scho lars, inspired by Goethes conjecture of orld literature, usually re gard it as a process of literary production, circulation and translation in a cosmopolitan ay. To the present author, ho ever, to define orld literature should take into both uni versality and relativity into consideration, ormore specifically, considering both canonicity and readability of literature. A lthough Goethes conjecture of orld literature as largely benef ited from his lmi ited kno ledge and dynam ic understanding of O riental literature, in cluding Chinese literature, the marginal position of Chinese literature in the broad context of global culture and orld literature has by no meansbeen changed. There are full reasons to account for this, among hich are: the influence of the longstanding Orientalism, the disability and even absence of translation and the current shrinking of literarym arket in the W est. Even so, if e jo in hands ith ourW estern co lleagues, em ay ellaccelerate the movem ent of Chinese literature to ard the orld and make it an unseparate part of orld literature. K ey w ords: orld literature



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