
IC Metrology 量测.pdf

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IC Metrology 量测

IC Metrology (量測) Reference: Michael Quirk and Julian Serda, “Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology”, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 2001. Resistance measurement A known value of current (I) is passed between the two outer probes and potential difference (V) developed across the two inner probes is measured. This approach avoids dealing with the 第一支與第四支探針用來測量晶元的電阻,第二支與第三 effect of contact resistance. 支探針用來測量晶元電壓。 Film thickness and refractive index metrology 橢圓儀用來量測薄膜厚度與折射率,對晶元作非破壞性檢測 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 表面反射式電子掃瞄顯微鏡 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) The SEM has an electron gun, focusing elements for shaping the electron into a beam, and a final electrostatic-magnetic focusing system that makes the electrons strike the sample within 2 to 6 nm spot.電子顯微鏡有電子槍、聚焦元件 磁鐵( ) 將電子束成型打在樣品上,範圍可達 2 ~ 6 nm 。 Since electron has very short de Broglie wavelength (1.22 Å for 100 eV electron, versus 5500 Å for optical wavelength), atomic- scale objects can be view with SEM electron imaging.因為對於 100 eV 的電子而言,其物質波波長約 1.22 Å比可見光的5500 Å足足小了 的數量級,所以解析度比光學顯微鏡3 可以高 1000倍。 Scanning tunneling microscope (STM) 原子力穿透掃瞄顯微鏡 The STM is a non-optical microscopy technique which employs principles of quantum mechanics. A sharp probe (the tip), whose end is as sharp as a single atom, moves over the surface of the material under study, and a voltage is applied between the probe and the sample surface. Depending on the voltage applied, electrons will tunnel through the potential barrier between the surface and probe, resulting in a weak electric current. 一個尖端原子大小左右的探針,透過偏壓,極靠近樣品,但不與樣品接觸,電子透過穿遂效應由樣品 進入探針形成電流。 The direction of the tunneling depends on t


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