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* Combination of Active Components Enhances the Efficacy of Prunella in Prevention and Treatment of Lung Cancer 徐彬 2012年3月 Molecules 2010 影响因子 2010年 1.988 2011年 预测 2.769  苦、辛,寒。   ①清火明目:治目赤肿痛、头痛。   ②清肝火、降血压:治高血压、高血脂、高血粘和高血糖。   ③散结消肿 王老吉的配方为:水、白砂糖、仙草、蛋花、布渣叶、菊花、金银花、夏枯草、甘草,其中夏枯草就是一味中草药。有专家指出夏枯草这个药物对孕妇、儿童老人和体虚胃寒的人造成伤害。 Abstract: The efficacy of Prunella extracts in the prevention and treatment of lung cancer has been attributed to different components. In this study, an active components combination model hypothesis was proposed to explain the anti-tumor activity of Prunella. The efficacy of Prunella extracts from different regions was compared in vitro and in vivo, and the TNF-α activity in serum of tumor-bearing mice was also evaluated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze the extracts and identify 26 common peaks ,Prunella samples from different regions were classified by the cluster analysis method 。Six peaks from the HPLC analysis were very similar, and were identified as caffeic acid,rosmarinic acid, rutin, quercetin, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid. The total ratio of these compounds in Prunella from Bozhou and Nanjing were 1.0:14.7:3.9:1.0:4.4:1.4 and 1.0:14.8:4.0:0.8:5.6:1.8, respectively. Total triterpenes and total phenols in Prunella were separated by macroporous resin purification for activity studies. The results showed that total triterpenes and total phenols had anti-lung cancer activity and their combination significantly enhanced the activity. In addition, the combination also significantly increased the TNF-α content compared tototal triterpenes or total phenols. The results indicated that the efficacy of Prunella against lung cancer was attributable to multiple components acting at an optimal ratio. Introduction The use of herbs for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases has bee


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