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A b str a e t
S ch ed u lin g 15 to 暇 ig n som e tasks to tim e reso ur ees u n de r so m e eo ns tra int s su ch th a t
o n-e o r nul lti心 iteria at tain to th e o P timu m . In th e P ar alle-l b 就 面 n g ShC ed u lin g m o d e l,a
m achi ne cna Proeess seve al job s simu ltan cously as a batch . T he P roeess in g tim e of each
b atch 15 equ al to th e lon ges t Pro eess in g time of the job s ass ign ed to it. 认飞en job s are
Proeessed ,job s from d iffe rent fam ilies ean not b e Proeessed in th e sam e b atch . In th e on-
lln e sehedu ling Prob lem ,job s arrive ove r tim e an d each job ,5 ch aract eriotie,inc lu din g its
proceSS ing tim e Pj an d release date rj,15 uul沮own untilit 15 released ,an d on ee a job 15
sch ed uled ,it c~ ot be 比an ged . T he qu 曲 ty of an on-lni e algo rti h n l 15 usu all y m easur ed
勿 its eom P etitive r就10.
In th is P a P er ,we eo ns id er a sP ec ial kln d o f o n- lin e b at ch s山 ed u li n g to Ini n ilni ze
m akesP an of three fam illes ofjob s. In th is m ode l,th e b atch size of th e tW O fa而 lies ean b e
P ro eessed in b ateh 15 infi n ite ,th at 15 th e two fa m ilie s ar e g en eral b atch- fan illies ;th e b at ch
size of the othar fam ily 15 on e,that 15 ouyl one job ean b e Proe巴粥ed in a b atch . T h e 10认吧r
b o un d o f th is m o de l 15 eqll al to th e u P P er b o un d o f the m o d e l o f tw . ge n eral fam ilies.
B eca砚犯 of th e P art ieu larity of on e of th e fa而 lles,we give an on-lin e algo rithm wh ich
Prioritize job s of th is fam ily. A s long as job s of th is fam lly arrive ,we frist schedu le these
jobe. In th e p roof of th e uPP er b ou n d of th e algo rith
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