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A b str a e t In th e Proeessin g of decision inform ation tab le 饰 elassie rough set th eory,the P ar- titio n o f d o m a in U 15 a eliieve d a eeo rd in g to th e eq u iva len ee relat io n sh iP w h ich 15 form ed 饰 tha e妙 ivalen ce of attribu te val u es of elem ents in dom ain U ,an d th e deeision rules are a lso form ed b aes d o n th e eq u ival en ee relatio n sh iP . In d i a P ter l ,th is d i路ertatio n m a in ly introdu ees th e Patition of elem ents in dom ain U by rough set th eory as we llas th e for- m atio n an d th e selectio n o f d ee isio n ru les. In ch ap ter Z ,a ne w equ ival en ee relatio n sh iP in d om a in U an d its eo rresP o n d in g d ee isio n ru les w i th n ew form s a re a ch iev ed thr o u g h th e P a titio n to eo n d itio n attrib u te val u es sP ac e ,an d th en th e d y n am ie relatio n sh iP b etw een th e n est o f eo n d itio n attrib u te v a lu es sP ace ,5 P a titio n an d th e n est o f d ecisio n ru les w i th n ew form s 15 resear ch ed . A n ex am P le sh ow s th at th e d ec isio n ru les w i th n ew form s are b etter th an th e form er d eeisio n ru les. In 比 aP ter 3 ,the m o d el b ased o n th e P a titio n to eo n d itio n attrib u te va lu es sP ac e 15 P o P u la rized to th e m o re g en era l m o d e l in w h ich th e n eig h b o rh o o d s are d ef in ed o n eo n d itio n attrib u te va lu es sP ac e ,a n d th en th e eo m P at ib le rela tio n sh iP in d o m a ln U an d th e eo m P atib le gr a nu les eove rin g s a re eo n stru eted as w e ll as its eorresP ongi n g d ecision rules are form ed . A t last th e dyn am ic relation sh ip b etwee n th e


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