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景德镇陶瓷学院 本科生毕业设计(论文) 中文题目: 交流稳压电源设计 英文题目: Design of AC Voltage Stabilizer 院 系: 景德镇陶瓷学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 姓 名: 金凯明 学 号: 200810350117 指导教师: 金光浪 完成时间: 2012-06-07 摘 要 交流稳压电源能为负载提供稳定交流电源的电子装置。又称交流稳压器。各种电子设备要求有比较稳定的交流电源供电,特别是当计算机技术应用到各个领域后,采用由交流电网直接供电而不采取任何措施的方式已不能满足需要。 传统的交流稳压电源存在效率低、触点磨损、反应时间长、稳压精度低等问题。针对目前交流稳压电源的不足。本文设计的交流稳压电源具有设计出一种以电子开关为执行机构来控制多组变压器叠加的主回路补偿工作方式并和可控硅无级调节补偿绕组串联的一种必威体育精装版颖的交流稳压电源,它具有稳压精度高、效率高、响应快、带负载能力强、电源波形失真小、无机械传动装置和碳刷磨损、免维护、工作可靠、噪音低、抗干扰能力强、并具有延时、过压、欠压保护功能。 关键词:电子开关;主回路补偿;可控硅无级调节 ABSTRACT AC power supply for the load to provide stable AC power electronic devices. Also known as AC voltage regulator. Variety of electronic devices require a relatively stable AC power supply, especially when computer technology is applied to various fields, directly by the AC mains power supply without taking any measures can not meet the need. With the development of power electronics technology, many devices require a stable AC power, AC power system is the lack of electricity, the grid is not the reasonable. All this can lead to electrical equipment is not working properly, the decline in accuracy, or even caused by accidental damage. AC power supply quality improvement has become to ensure that the premise of the system work properly. The low efficiency of conventional AC power supply exists, contact wear, long reaction time, low voltage accuracy problems. For the current lack of AC power supply. In this paper, the design of the AC power supply has to design an electronic switch for the implementing agencies to control the transformer superimposed main loop compensation work and SCR stepless adjustment of the compensation winding in series with one of the most innovative AC voltage stabilizer power supply regulator high precision, high efficiency, fast response, with a load capacity, the power supply waveform distortion, no me


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