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“The runaway mom Chen Yurong very good interpretation of the plain motherly love “暴走妈妈”陈玉蓉 (暴走妈妈陈玉蓉诠释了朴素的母爱) Mother to take care of her three years, she wants to take care of a mother a lifetime! She says :“I just do each daughter will do.” 90 after the girl Meng Peijie(90后女孩孟佩杰) 孝女孟佩杰 What is family? The family is a burly umbrella, you have difficulty, be your shelter. (亲情是一把结实的伞,你有困难了,为你遮风挡雨) The family is a thick cotton-padded clothes, a bowl of reeky soup, you cold, cold as you. (亲情是一件厚厚的棉衣,一碗热气腾腾的汤,你冷了,为你抵御严寒) The family is a dry towel, you cry, brushed the heart of your tears. 亲情是一条干爽的毛巾,你哭了,为你拂去心中的泪水。 The family is a cup of sweet ice tea, you smile, let you from the mouth sweet to the heart...... 亲情是一杯甜甜的冰红茶,你笑了,让你从嘴里甜到心里…… (一)Descirbed by Hu Shi’s family —《My mother》 Mather and Wife (母子情深) 胡适 (二)Zhu Ziqing described the family ——《back》(背影) Sons wife(父子情深) h Into the family (走进亲情) Deep feelings of parental love Deep feelings of parental love 深切感受父母之爱 Love of Life(养育之爱):Parents gave us life Concerned about the love(关心之爱): Parents all aspects of meticulous care Love of education(教育之爱): parents taught us to count and word recognition Great maternal love (伟大的母爱) Mother love is the warmth of the sun, and dedication of a seven-color light (奉献七彩阳光); Motherly love is a vast ocean(辽阔的大海), bare open-mindedness(袒露宽广的胸怀); Motherly love is an infinite universe (无限的宇宙), he served as the children are free to fly (任儿女自由飞翔)。 Great father (伟大的父爱) Father as a mountain, deep and strict. (父爱如山,深沉严格) Thick father‘s hand, hold up the whole family; (父亲粗大的手,撑起整个家 ) Father, broad shoulders, is the patron of children; (父亲宽阔的肩,是子女的靠山) Father, working hard, always regrets; (父亲辛勤劳作,总是无怨无悔) Do you know your parents birthday? Mather’s Day-Every year the second Sunday in May(每年5月的第二个星期天) The modern meaning of mother’s Day originated(起源) in United States, the carnation(康乃馨) was chosen for the flowers to my mother, and then handed down(流传). White carnation :pure love ,pure


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