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Welcome to Sunlight English Slangs and idioms Victor 一切习语都是正确的 英语中最难的不是语法,也不是词汇,而是习惯用法。有时一句话在语法上没有问题,逻辑上 也讲得通,意思上也清楚,单被认为是错句,究其原因是不符合习惯用法。对此,英国惯用法专家,“牛津现代词典”主编霍恩比说:“学英语的人常关心所谓语法上是否正确的问题,其实他也应该关心所讲的所写的是否通顺和合乎习惯… NCE2 L1-24 a private eye---- bear market bull market Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. ----过早乐观 like a bear with a sore head ----脾气极坏,脾气暴躁 It’s none of your business. mind your own business 也是表达“不管你的事”,中国人办事就人论事,西方人办事就事论事 Aunt Sally ---众矢之的 rain check ---别人请你吃饭,你没空,意思是延期有效 Spare the rod and spoil the child ---玉不琢不成器 Long distance separates no bosom friends --海内存知己,天涯若比邻 Spare no effort ----全力以赴 Misfortunes never come single . ---祸不单行 horse of a different colour ----完全另一回事 a pigeon pair ----一男一女的双胞胎 A beggar on horseback ---- 比喻那些嘴脸丑恶的暴发户,趾高气扬、不可一世 In sb’s pocket ---在某人的掌控中 burn a hole in one’s pocket ---花钱如流水 Diamond cut diamond. Steal one’s thunder ---抢先说 The sea refuses no river. ----海纳百川 A rolling stone gather no moss. turn one’s back on ---抛弃 Experience must be bought. --- 吃一堑,长一智 lift one’s face ---误解 French leave A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. ---千里之行始于足下 A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. ---- 听音识鸟,闻言识人 Don’t judge a person by his/her appearance knock your socks off ---令人兴奋不已的好事 When the cat is away, the mice will play. Every dog has its day. Let sleeping dogs lie. ---莫惹是生非 Sold out--- What done cannot be undone. 覆水难收,木已成舟 Teach the fish to swim.’ ---班门弄斧 There are so many fish in the sea. ---天涯何处无芳草 give sb the boot waste not, want not ---不浪费,就不缺乏 A new house, ‘East or west ,home is the best. ----“金窝,银窝,不如自己的狗窝. *


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