Unit 11 How was your school trip SectionA(1a-1c)修正版.ppt

Unit 11 How was your school trip SectionA(1a-1c)修正版.ppt

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Unit 11 How was your school trip SectionA(1a-1c)修正版

Lead-in(导入) Group work(小组展示) Group work(小组展示) Exercises 1.Did you watch TV yesrerday? 肯定回答:___________. 2.Did she play the drums yesterday afternoon? 否定回答:_____________ 3. 他们昨天拍了一些照片.(翻译) ______________________________________ 4. _____ they ________ any photos yesterday?(把上一句改为疑问句) 5. He rode a horse yesterday.(改为否定句) He ____________ a horse yesterday. I find(我发现) Do the paper about page 62. * * * * welcome * Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section A(1a-1c) Zheng Yunqiu Now, I am a taecher. Five years ago, I was a student. go for a walk milk a cow Phrases ride a horse feed chickens talk with a farmer take some photos go for a walk milk a cow ride a horse feed chickens talk with a farmer take some photos 给奶牛挤奶 去散步 与农民交谈 骑马 喂鸡 拍照片 go for a walk milk a cow ride a horse feed chickens talk with a farmer take some photos 给奶牛挤奶 去散步 与农民交谈 骑马 喂鸡 拍照片 考考你! (写出下列动词的过去式。) is do go ride take feed see milk talk watch was rode fed milked /t/ watched /t/ did took saw talked /t/ went do homework I ______________ yesterday. did homwork A:Did you____________yesterday? B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt. did homework do homework A:Did you____________ yesterday? B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt. go for a walk went for a walk I _____________ yesterday. went for a walk go for a walk I ___________ yesterday. milk a cow milked a cow milked a cow A:Did you__________ yesterday? B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt. milk a cow Practice and show(小组练习并展示) (注意:小组选一幅图练习对话) A:Did you/he/sheyesterday? B:Yes,I/he/she did./No,I/he/she didnt. 1a Match the phrases with the pictures. went for a walk milked a cow rode a horse fed chickens talked with a farmer took some photos e b a c f d Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a. 1b went for a walk


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