unit3 百万英镑1.ppt

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unit3 百万英镑1

Is money everything? Topic Discussion : Money can buy a house, but not a home. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep. Money can buy a clock, but not time. Money can buy a book, but not knowledge. Money Is ? Money can buy you a position, but not respect. Money can buy you medicine, but not health. Money can buy a friend, but not friendship. Money can buy you blood, but not life. homework 1.learn the useful words and expressions by heart 2.Ex1,2,3 on P19 Surf the Internet to find out the origin of the story and appreciate it. 2. Write down your feelings of reading the story. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 课前准备 请拿出你们的 导学案、课本、双色笔、错题本 充满激情,无往不胜! 你们是最优秀的! 你们一定能做好! 萌山中学英语组 ---轩庆宽 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Be active in class! 学习目标: Learning aims 1.学生了解戏剧体裁的特点,学习和理解戏剧语言,提高文学修养和欣赏水平。 2.学习《百万英镑》的故事,了解马克.吐温的生平和作品风格,探讨金钱和人性的关系。 3.掌握本单元的词汇 Reading part 预习案反馈 题型 优秀小组 存在问题 单词 G1、G7、G9、G4、G5、G6 少数小组 书写不端正 短语 G1、G7、G4、 个别同学 没做完 句子 G1、G7、G9、 第二个空和 第四个空 错的较多 Preview(预习案)【我的任务】答案: 1.birthplace _____________ 2.novel _____________ 3.adventure _____________ 4.author _____________ 5.scene _____________ 6.wander _____________ 7.permit _____________ 8.spot _____________ 9.account _____________ 10.seek _____________ 11.patience _____________ 出生地 小说 奇遇,冒险 作家 一场,场面 漫游 许可,允许 发现,认出;污点 认为,说明,账目 探索,寻求 耐性,忍耐 单词英译汉 1.抚养,培育 ________________ 2.偶然,无意中 ________________ 3.前进,往下说 ________________ 4.盯着看,凝视 ________________ 5.导致,做出解释 ________________ 补全句子答案: sailing, carried, spotted, London bring up by accident go ahead stare at account for 短语汉译英: Xiao Xin is playing football. (踢;打) Does “play” have other meanings? e.g: 1、play with fire. 玩火 2、play the piano. 弹钢琴 Play elements 戏剧要素 time place people event How many elements(要素) does “play ”h


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