Unit 7 Topic 1When is your birthday Section A - 副本.ppt

Unit 7 Topic 1When is your birthday Section A - 副本.ppt

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Unit 7 Topic 1When is your birthday Section A - 副本

Unit 7 The Birthday Party Section A 和平县古寨中学 曾文娟 仁爱版七年级英语(下册) Topic 1 When is your birthday? Say the numbers in English. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred 不忘老朋友 -- Review am I 用_______, You 用_______ ; ________跟着he, she, it ; 单数用_______, 复数用_______. is are Lets Play a filling game. is are 谢娜 Look at the picture.--Lead-in Yes, she is Xia Na. she is my favorite star(明星).she was born in May, 1981. she was born in Sichuan. Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section A 古寨中学 曾文娟 结识新朋友--New lesson 学习目标(studying aims) 1.学习十二个月份以及年份的读法。 2.学习带有 was /were的一般过去时。 3.学习询问他人的出生日期和出生地点。 我爱读单词,同学们,请大声跟我读吧! 1. January /d??nju?ri/ 一月 (Jan.) 2. February /febru?ri/ 二月 (Feb.) 3. March /ma:t?/ 三月 (Mar.) 4. April /eipr?l/ 四月 (Apr.) 5. May /mei/ 五月 6. June /d?u:n/ 六月 (Jun.) 7. July /d?ulai/ 七月 (Jul.) 8. August /?:g?st/ 八月 (Aug.) 9. September /septtemb?/ 九月 (Sept.) 10. October /?kt?ub?/ 十月 (Oct.) 11. November /n?uvemb?/ 十一月 (Nov.) 12. December /disemb?/ 十二月 (Dec.) 我爱读单词,同学们,请大声跟我读吧! 1. writer /rait?(r)/ 作家,作者 2. novel /n?vl/ 小说 3. was /w?s/ (am is 的过去式) 4. were /w?:/ (are 的过去式) 5. born /b?(r)n/ 出生 6. fan /f?n/ 迷,风扇 7. thousand /θauznd/ 千 8. star /sta: / 明星, 星 I, he she it You, we, they Listen and read 12 months. Read the first six years . 2a 1840 1976 1904 1900 2000 2008 eighteen forty nineteen seventy-six nineteen hundred nineteen two two thousand o four thousand and eight Say and write. 1800 _______________ 1820 _______________ 1903 _______________ 1996 _______________ 2009 _______________ 2050 _______________ eighteen hundred eighteen twenty nineteen o three nineteen ninety-six two thousand and nine twent


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