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目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract Ⅱ
1 引言 1
2 我国食品安全的现状及危害 1
2.1 我国食品安全的现状 1
2.2 我国食品安全问题的危害 2
3 我国食品安全问题的成因 4
3.1 生产者恶性竞争导致“囚徒困境” 4
3.2 信息不对称与消费者维权意识薄弱 5
3.3 政府对食品安全监管不力 6
4 食品安全问题的治理对策 8
4.1 建立健全法律法规体系 8
4.2 构建强有力的食品安全监督体系 8
4.3 提高食品市场准入管制,加大违法处罚力度 8
4.4 建立有效的食品安全信息与监测体系 9
4.5 大力发展经济提高人民生活水平 9
5 结语 9
致谢 11
参考文献 12
摘 要
关键词: 食品安全 安全监管 对策
In recent years, domestic appear constantly of food safety problem let us is talk about food color change, from the surface is food production process the use of pesticides, pesticides, hormones, additives, inferior raw materials, not security feed and growth environment such destruction factors, but in the deep reasons we can find of the government department, law enforcement of multiple management law enforcement is lax and existing laws and regulations, not perfect cause. Food safety is completely on the market mechanism cannot get the fundamental solutions, must rely on the national food safety supervision can be guaranteed. Each side of the food safety events behind the problems existing regulation is slack, in the final analysis, food safety problem is the market failure and government failure of the supervision together. Based on the analysis of our food safety based on existing problems, this article analyzes the causes of the problem of all sorts of reasons, and puts forward the countermeasures of governance, the hope can put the food security problem in the bud.
Keywords: food safety failure safety countermeasures
1 引言
古语有云: “王以民为天,民以食为天,食以安为先。”可见食品安全是人类生存和发展的基本条件,它不仅关系着广大人民群众的身体健康和生活质量,而且还关系到我国农产品在国际市场上的声誉和国际竞争力,更有甚着它关系到国家的安全与政治的稳定。在世界经济一体化的大环境下,我国经济获得了迅速的发展,人民生活水平也得到了大幅度的提高。随着人们生活质量的提高,饮食观念也开始发生了转变,从以前传统的吃饱、吃好到现在的追求吃的有营养、放心、健康。