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经济周期成因 cause of formation of economic cycle 一、经济周期成因的分类 1.Classification of causes of economic cycles 经济周期的成因众多,根据它们对周期生成所起的主次作用,可分为基本因素与其他因素。 Many causes of economic cycle,According to economic cycle generation played a major or minor role,It can be divided into the basic factors and other factors. (一)基本因素Basic factors 是指对经济周期的形成具有根本作用的原因或条件。 Refers to the economic cycle is formed having a fundamental role in the causes or conditions. 如“按资分配”;“货币职能进化”;“市场机制”;“私有制”;“人类自身特性”等。 Such as capital allocation; the evolution of monetary functions; “market mechanism ; private ownership ; human characteristics . 它们对经济周期形成的相关作用似可简示如下: They are periodic to economy related to the formation of the effect, can be expressed as follows: 人类自身特性→私有制→市场机制→按资分配、货币职能进化→经济周期 Human characteristics→ private ownership → market mechanisms →Distribution according to capital, Monetary function evolution → economic cycle 基本因素简释:Simple explanation of the basic factors: (1)人类自身特性Human characteristics 我们自身所具有的总体特征。The general characteristics of our own. 其主要表现似可概括为:永无停歇的探索(客观世界与主观世界);永不满足的追求(物质享受与精神享受)…… Its main performance might be summarized as follows: the never-ending exploration (the objective world and the subjective world); insatiable pursuit (of material comfort and enjoy the spirit of) ... (由于我们具有较强的思考、想象等能力,因此理念、信心、欲望等心理活动能对我们的行为及客观世界产生强大的互动作用……) (Because we have a strong thinking, imagination and ability, concept, confidence, desire and mental activity on our behavior and the objective world interact powerful ......) (2)私有制Private ownership 在人类自身特性驱使下,科技水平与生产能力不断提高、社会财富不断增长,“私有制”由萌芽、生根而繁茂…… Driven by the characteristics of the human itself,Scientific and technological level and production capacity continues to increase, growing social wealth ,Private ownership increasingly vibrant ... (3)市场机制Market mechanism 在私有制的基石上,崇尚自由竞争与自由交换的On private ownership foundation,Advocating free competition and free exchange of market mechanism,As economic development of the preferred architecture......



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