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《美国大城市的死与生》试读:--人行道的用途:安全编辑介绍:Jane Jacobs started writing about city life and urban planning as a neighborhood activist, not as a trained professional. 简·雅各布斯开始写关于城市生活和城市规划作为一个社区活动家,而不是作为一个训练有素的专业人员。Dismissed as the original little old lady in tennis shoes and derided as a political amateur more concerned about personal safety issues than state-of-the-art planning techniques, she nonetheless struck a responsive chord with a 1960s public eager to believe the worst about arrogant city planning technocrats and just as eager to rally behind movements for neighborhood control and community resistance to bulldozer redevelopment.更关心个人安全问题而不是很艺术的规划技术,她被轻蔑的视为以前的“穿网球鞋的小老太太”和业余政治爱好者,但她与20世纪60年代的公共共鸣急于相信最坏的人身安全问题,而不是作为一个政治业余关于的傲慢城市规划技术官僚一样渴望团结邻里控制与社区推土机重建的阻力运动背后。The Death and Life of Great American Cities hit the world of city planning like an earthquake when it Appeared in 1961. The book was a frontal attack on the planning establishment. Jacobs derided urban renewal as a process that only served to create instant slums. She questioned universally accepted articles of faith - for example, that parks were good and that crowding was bad, Indeed she suggested that parks were often dangerous and that crowded neighborhood sidewalks were the safest places for children to play.1961年,美国大城市的死与生的冲击世界城市规划像地震一样。这本书是一个正面攻击的规划编制。雅各布痛骂市区重建的过程只创建即时贫民窟。她质疑普遍接受的信条 - 例如,公园是好,拥挤是坏,事实上,她建议,公园往往是危险的,拥挤的街道人行道供孩子们玩耍的地方是最安全的。Jacobs ridiculed the planning establishment’s most revered historical traditions as “the Radiant Garden City Beautiful - an artful phrase that not only airily dismissed the contributions of Le Corbusier (p. 336), Ebenezer Howard (p. 321), and Daniel Burnham but lumped them together as well!雅各布嘲笑规划编制的最受尊敬的历史传统“辐射美丽的花园城市”—— 一个巧妙的短语,不仅轻描淡写地驳回了柯布西耶(第336页),埃比尼泽霍华德(第321页),丹尼尔·伯纳姆的贡献,而且把他们揉到了一起!The selection from The Death and Life of Great American Cities reprinted here presents Jane Jacobs at her very best. In The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety, she outlines her basic notions of what makes


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